507 - Student Health and Well-Being

507 - Student Health and Well-Being dawn.gibson.cm… Fri, 12/22/2023 - 13:35

507.1 - Student Health and Immunization Certificates

507.1 - Student Health and Immunization Certificates

Students desiring to participate in athletic activities or enrolling in kindergarten or first grade in the school district will have a physical examination by a licensed physician and provide proof of such an examination to the school district. A physical examination and proof of such an examination may be required by the administration for students in other grades enrolling for the first time in the school district.

A certificate of health stating the results of a physical examination and signed by the physician is on file at the attendance center. Each student will submit an up-to-date certificate of health upon the request of the superintendent. Failure to provide this information may be grounds for disciplinary action.

Students enrolling for the first time in the school district will also submit a certificate of immunization against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, rubeola, rubella, and other immunizations required by law. The student may be admitted conditionally to the attendance center if the student has not yet completed the immunization process but is in the process of doing so. Failure to meet the immunization requirement will be grounds for suspension, expulsion or denial of admission. Upon recommendation of the Iowa Department of Education and Iowa Department of Public Health, students entering the district for the first time may be required to pass a TB test prior to admission. The district may conduct TB tests of current students.

Exemptions from the immunization requirement in this policy will be allowed only for medical or religious reasons recognized under the law. The student must provide a valid Iowa State Department of Health Certificate of Immunization Exemption to be exempt from this policy.



Legal Reference:  Iowa Code §§ 139A.8; 280.13.
281 I.A.C. 33.5.
                                       641 I.A.C. 7.

Cross Reference:  402.2 Child Abuse Reporting
                                       501 Student Attendance
                                       507 Student Health and Well-Being

Approved: August 1996                    
Reviewed: February 2017, May 2020
Revised: May 2009                


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507.2 - Administration of Medication to Students

507.2 - Administration of Medication to Students

The board is committed to the inclusion of all students in the education program and recognizes that some students may need prescription and nonprescription medication to participate in their educational program.

Medication shall be administered when the student's parent or guardian (hereafter "parent") provides a signed and dated written statement requesting medication administration and the medication is in the original, labeled container, either as dispensed or in the manufacturer's container.

When administration of the medication requires ongoing professional health judgment, an individual health plan shall be developed by an authorized practitioner with the student and the student's parent. Students who have demonstrated competence in administering their own medications may self-administer their medication. A written statement by the student's parent shall be on file requesting co-administration of medication, when competence has been demonstrated. By law, students with asthma or other airway constricting diseases or students at risk of anaphylaxis who use epinephrine auto-injectors may self-administer their medication upon the written approval of the student's parents and prescribing licensed health care professional regardless of competency.

Persons administering medication shall include authorized practitioners, such as licensed registered nurses and physician, and persons to whom authorized practitioners have delegated the administration of medication (who have successfully completed a medication administration course). A medication administration course and periodic update shall be conducted by a registered nurse or licensed pharmacist, and a record of course completion shall be maintained by the school.

A written medication administration record shall be on file including:

  • date;
  • student's name;
  • prescriber or person authorizing administration;
  • medication;
  • medication dosage;
  • administration time;
  • administration method;
  • signature and title of the person administering medication; and
  • any unusual circumstances, actions, or omissions.

Medication shall be stored in a secured area unless an alternate provision is documented. Emergency protocols for medication-related reactions shall be posted. Medication information shall be confidential information as provided by law.

Disposal of unused, discontinued/recalled, or expired medication shall be in compliance with federal and state law. Prior to disposal school personnel shall make a reasonable attempt to return medication by providing written notification that expired, discontinued, or unused medications needs to be picked up. If medication is not picked up by the date specified, disposal shall be in accordance with the disposal procedures for the specific category of medication.



Legal Reference:  Disposing on Behalf of Ultimate Users, 79 Fed. Reg. 53520, 53546 (Sept. 9, 2014).
Iowa Code §§124.101(1); 147.107; 152.1; 155A.4; 280.16; 280.23.
281 IAC §41.404(1)(f), (3)(f)
657 IAC §8.32(124); §8.32(155A).
655 IAC §6.2(152).

Cross Reference:  506 Student Records
                                      507 Student Health and Well-Being
                                      603.3 Special Education
                                      607.2 Student Health Services

Approved: August 1996                    
Reviewed: February 2017, May 2020
Revised: May 2009                


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507.2E1 - Authorization - Asthma or Airway Constricting Medication Self-Administration Consent Form

507.2E1 - Authorization - Asthma or Airway Constricting Medication Self-Administration Consent Form

Student's Name (Last), (First) (Middle)                                                                                                                      Birthday ___/___/___

School                                                                                                                                                                        Date ___/___/___


The following must occur for a student to self-administer asthma or other airway constricting disease medication or for a student with a risk of anaphylaxis to self-administer an epinephrine auto-injector:

  • Parent/guardian provides signed, dated authorization for student medication self-administration.
  • Parent/guardian provides a written statement from the student's licensed health care professional (A person licensed under chapter 148 to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery, an advanced registered nurse practitioner licensed under chapter 152 or 152E and registered with the board of nursing, or a physician assistant licensed to practice under the supervision of a physician as authorized in chapters 147 and 148C) containing the following:
    • Name and purpose of the medication,
    • Prescribed dosage, and
    • Times or special circumstances under which the medication or epinephrine auto-injector is to be administered.
  • The medication is in the original, labeled container as dispensed or the manufacturer's labeled container containing the student name, name of the medication, directions for use, and date.
  • Authorization shall be renewed annually. In addition, if any changes occur in the medication, dosage or time of administration, the parent is to notify school officials immediately. The authorization shall be reviewed as soon as practical.

Provided the above requirements are fulfilled, the school shall permit the self-administration of medication by a student with asthma or other airway constricting disease or the use of an epinephrine auto-injector by a student with a risk of anaphylaxis while in school, at school-sponsored activities, under the supervision of school personnel, and before or after normal school activities, such as while in before-school or after-school care on school-operated property. If the student abuses the self-administration policy, the ability to self-administer may be withdrawn by the school or discipline may be imposed, after notification is provided to the student's parent.

Pursuant to state law, the school district or and its employees are to incur no liability, except for gross negligence, as a result of any injury arising from self-administration of medication or use of an epinephrine auto-injector by the student. The parent or guardian of the student shall sign a statement acknowledging that the school district is to incur no liability, except for gross negligence, as a result of self-administration of medication or an epinephrine auto-injector by the student as provided by law.





Medication                                                                                      Dosage                                 Route                                 Time                               

Purpose of Medication & Administration Instructions                                                                                                                                                    


Special Circumstances                                                                                                                                                                                                   


                                    /                       /                       

            Discontinue / Re-Evaluate / Follow-up Date


Prescriber's Signature                                                                                        Date ___/___/___


  • I request the above named student possess and self-administer asthma or other airway constricting disease medication(s) and/or an epinephrine auto-injector at school and in school activities according to the authorization and instructions.
  • I understand the school district and its employees acting reasonably and in good faith shall incur no liability for any improper use of medication or an epinephrine auto-injector or for supervising, monitoring, or interfering with a student's self-administration of medication or use of an epinephrine auto-injector. I acknowledge that the school district is to incur no liability, except for gross negligence, as a result of self-administration of medication or use of an epinephrine auto-injector by the student.
  • I agree to coordinate and work with school personnel and notify them when questions arise or relevant conditions change.
  • I agree to provide safe delivery of medication and equipment to and from school and to pick up remaining medication and equipment.
  • I agree the information is shared with school personnel in accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and any other applicable laws.
  • I agree to provide the school with back-up medication approved in this form.
  • (Student maintains self-administration record.) (Note: This bullet is recommended but not required.)


Parent/Guardian Signature                                                                                       Date ___/___/___(agreed to above statement)

Parent/Guardian Address                                                                                                                                                              

Business Phone                                                                       Home Phone                                                                                 


Self-Administration Authorization Additional Information


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507.2E2 - Parental Authorization and Release Form for the Administration of Prescription Medication to Students

507.2E2 - Parental Authorization and Release Form for the Administration of Prescription Medication to Students

Student's Name (Last), (First) (Middle)                                                                                                                      Birthday ___/___/___

School                                                                                                                                                                        Date ___/___/___


School medications and health services are administered following these guidelines:

  • Parent has provided a signed, dated authorization to administer medication and/or provide the health service.
  • The medication is in the original, labeled container as dispensed or the manufacturer's labeled container.
  • The medication label contains the student's name, name of the medication, directions for use, and date.
  • Authorization is renewed annually and as soon as practical when the parent notifies the school that changes are necessary.


Medication / Healthcare                                                                                      Dosage                             Route                            Time at School                           

Administration instructions:

 Special Directives, Signs to Observe and Side Effects:


                                    /                       /                       

            Discontinue / Re-Evaluate / Follow-up Date


Prescriber's Signature                                                                                        Date ___/___/___

Prescriber's Address                                                                                                         Emergency Phone                                               

I request the above named student carry medication at school and school activities, according to the prescription, or other medication administration instructions, and a written record kept. Special considerations are noted above. The information is confidential except as provided by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and any other applicable law. I agree to coordinate and work with school personnel and prescriber (if any) when questions arise. I agree to provide safe delivery of medication and equipment to and from school and to pick up remaining medication and equipment. Procedures for medication disposal shall be in accordance with federal and state law.




Parent/Guardian Signature                                                                                        Date ___/___/___

Parent/Guardian Address                                                                                                                 Business Phone                                 Home Phone                               


Additional Information                                                                                                                                                  

Authorization Form


dawn.gibson.cm… Fri, 12/22/2023 - 13:39

507.3 - Communicable Diseases - Students

507.3 - Communicable Diseases - Students

Students with a communicable disease will be allowed to attend school provided their presence does not create a substantial risk of illness or transmission to other students or employees. The term "communicable disease" will mean an infectious or contagious disease spread from person to person, or animal to person, or as defined by law.

Prevention and control of communicable diseases is included in the school district's bloodborne pathogens exposure control plan. The procedures will include scope and application, definitions, exposure control, methods of compliance, universal precautions, vaccination, post-exposure evaluation, follow-up, communication of hazards to employees and record keeping. This plan is reviewed annually by the superintendent and school nurse.

The health risk to immunosupressed students is determined by their personal physician. The health risk to others in the school district environment from the presence of a student with a communicable disease is determined on a case-by-case basis by the student's personal physician, a physician chosen by the school district or public health officials.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the school nurse, to develop administrative regulations stating the procedures for dealing with students with a communicable disease.

For more information on communicable disease charts, and reporting forms, go to the Iowa Department of Public Health Website:




Legal Reference:  School Board of Nassau County v. Arline, 480 U.S. 273 (1987).
29 U.S.C. §§ 701 et seq.
45 C.F.R. Pt. 84.3.
Iowa Code ch. 139A.8.
641 I.A.C. 1.2-.5, 7.

Cross Reference:  403.3 Communicable Diseases - Employees
506 Student Records
507 Student Health and Well-Being                                                                                                                                               

Approved: August 1996                    
Reviewed: February 2017, May 2020
Revised: May 2009                


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507.4 - Student Illness or Injury at School

507.4 - Student Illness or Injury at School

When a student becomes ill or is injured at school, the school district will attempt to notify the student's parents as soon as possible.

The school district, while not responsible for medical treatment of an ill or injured student, will have employees present administer emergency or minor first aid if possible. An ill or injured child will be turned over to the care of the parents or qualified medical employees as quickly as possible.

It is the responsibility of the principal to file an accident report with the superintendent within twenty-four hours after the student is injured.

Annually, parents are required to complete a medical emergency authorization form indicating the procedures to be followed, if possible, in an emergency involving their child. The authorization form will also include the phone numbers of the parents and alternative numbers to call in case of an injury or illness.

The superintendent is responsible, in conjunction with the school nurse, to develop rules and regulations governing the procedure in the event a student should become ill or be injured at school.  



Legal Reference:  Iowa Code § 613.17.

Cross Reference:  507 Student Health and Well-Being  

Approved: August 1996                    
Reviewed: February 2017, May 2020
Revised: May 2009                


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507.5 - Emergency Plans and Drills

507.5 - Emergency Plans and Drills

Students will be informed of the appropriate action to take in an emergency. Emergency drills for fire, weather, and other disasters are conducted each school year. Fire and tornado drills are each conducted regularly during the academic school year with a minimum of two before December 31 and two after January 1.

Each attendance center will develop and maintain a written plan containing emergency and disaster procedures. The plan will be communicated to and reviewed with employees. Employees will participate in emergency drills. Licensed employees are responsible for instructing the proper techniques to be followed in the drill.



Legal Reference:  Iowa Code § 100.31.
281 I.A.C. 41.25(3).

Cross Reference:  507 Student Health and Well-Being
                                       711.7 School Bus Safety Instruction
                                       804 Safety Program

Approved: August 1996                    
Reviewed: February 2017, May 2020
Revised: May 2009                


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507.7 - Custody and Parental Rights

507.7 - Custody and Parental Rights

Disagreements between family members are not the responsibility of the school district. The school district will not take the "side" of one family member over another in a disagreement about custody or parental rights. Court orders that have been issued are followed by the school district. It is the responsibility of the person requesting an action by the school district to inform and provide the school district the court order allowing such action.

This policy does not prohibit an employee from listening to a student's problems and concerns.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to ensure employees remain neutral in a disagreement about custody and parental rights.



Legal Reference:  Iowa Code §§ 232.67, .70, .73, .75; 235A; 279.8; 710.6.
441 I.A.C. 9.2; 155; 175.

Cross Reference:  506 Student Records
507 Student Health and Well-Being

Approved: August 1996                    
Reviewed: February 2017, May 2020
Revised: May 2009                


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507.8 - Student Special Health Services

507.8 - Student Special Health Services

The board recognizes that some special education students need special health services during the school day. These students will receive special health services in conjunction with their individualized education program.

The superintendent, in conjunction with licensed health personnel, will establish administrative regulations for the implementation of this policy.



Legal Reference:  Board of Education v. Rowley, 458 U.S. 176 (1982).
                                      Springdale School District #50 v. Grace, 693 F.2d 41 (8th Cir. 1982).
                                      Southeast Warren Comm. School District v. Dept. of Public Instruction, 285 N.W.2d 173 (Iowa 1979).
20 U.S.C. §§ 1400 et seq.
34 C.F.R. Pt. 300 et seq.
Iowa Code §§ 256.11(7); 256B; 273.2, .5, .9(2)-(3); 280.8.
281 I.A.C. 41.404(1)(f); (3)(f); 41.405

Cross Reference:  502 Student Rights and Responsibilities
                                      506 Student Records
                                      603.3 Special Education

Approved: August 1996                    
Reviewed: February 2017, May 2020
Revised: May 2009                


dawn.gibson.cm… Fri, 12/22/2023 - 13:45

507.8R1 - Special Health Services

507.8R1 - Special Health Services

Some students who require special education need special health services in order to participate in the educational program. These students will receive special health services in accordance with their individualized educational program.

A. Definitions

"Assignment and delegation" - occurs when licensed health personnel, in collaboration with the education team, determine the special health services to be provided and the qualifications of individuals performing the health services. Primary consideration is given to the recommendation of the licensed health personnel. Each designation considers the student's special health service. The rationale for the designation is documented. If the designation decision of the team differs from the licensed health professional, team members may file a dissenting opinion.

"Co-administration" - the eligible student's participation in the planning, management and implementation of the student's special health service and demonstration of proficiency to licensed health personnel.

"Educational program" - includes all school curricular programs and activities both on and off school grounds.

"Education team" - may include the eligible student, the student's parent, administrator, teacher, licensed health personnel, and others involved in the student's educational program.

"Health assessment" - health data collection, observation, analysis, and interpretation relating to the eligible student's educational program.

"Health instruction" - education by licensed health personnel to prepare qualified designated personnel to deliver and perform special health services contained in the eligible student's health plan. Documentation of education and periodic updates are on file at school.

"Individual health plan" - the confidential, written, preplanned and ongoing special health service in the educational program. It includes assessment, planning, implementation, documentation, evaluation and a plan for emergencies. The plan is updated as needed and at least annually. Licensed health personnel develop this written plan with the education team.

"Licensed health personnel" - includes licensed registered nurse, licensed physician, and other licensed health personnel legally authorized to provide special health services and medications.

"Prescriber" - licensed health personnel legally authorized to prescribe special health services and medications.

"Qualified designated personnel" - persons instructed, supervised and competent in implementing the eligible student's health plan.

"Special health services" - includes, but is not limited to, services for eligible students whose health status (stable or unstable) requires:

  • Interpretation or intervention,
  • Administration of health procedures and health care, or
  • Use of a health device to compensate for the reduction or loss of a body function.

"Supervision" - the assessment, delegation, evaluation and documentation of special health services by licensed health personnel. Levels of supervision include situations in which licensed health personnel are:

  • physically present.
  • available at the same site.
  • available on call.

B. Licensed health personnel will provide special health services under the auspices of the school. Duties of the licensed personnel include the duty to:

  • Participate as a member of the education team.
  • Provide the health assessment.
  • Plan, implement and evaluate the written individual health plan.
  • Plan, implement and evaluate special emergency health services.
  • Serve as liaison and encourage participation and communication with health service agencies and individuals providing health care.
  • Provide health consultation, counseling and instruction with the eligible student, the student's parent and the staff in cooperation and conjunction with the prescriber.
  • Maintain a record of special health services. The documentation includes the eligible student's name, special health service, prescriber or person authorizing, date and time, signature and title of the person providing the special health service and any unusual circumstances in the provision of such services.
  • Report unusual circumstances to the parent, school administration, and prescriber.
  • Assign and delegate to, instruct, provide technical assistance and supervise qualified designated personnel.
  • Update knowledge and skills to meet special health service needs.

C. Prior to the provision of special health services the following will be on file:

  • Written statement by the prescriber detailing the specific method and schedule of the special health service, when indicated.
  • Written statement by the student's parent requesting the provision of the special health service.
  • Written report of the preplanning staffing or meeting of the education team.
  • Written individual health plan available in the health record and integrated into the IEP or IFSP.

D. Licensed health personnel, in collaboration with the education team, will determine the special health services to be provided and the qualifications of individuals performing the special health services. The documented rationale will include the following:

  • Analysis and interpretation of the special health service needs, health status stability, complexity of the service, predictability of the service outcome and risk of improperly performed service.
  • Determination that the special health service, task, procedure or function is part of the person's job description.
  • Determination of the assignment and delegation based on the student's needs.
  • Review of the designated person's competency.
  • Determination of initial and ongoing level of supervision required to ensure quality services.

E. Licensed health personnel will supervise the special health services, define the level of supervision and document the supervision.

F. Licensed health personnel will instruct qualified designated personnel to deliver and perform special health services contained in the eligible individual health plan. Documentation of instruction and periodic updates are on file at school.

G. Parents will provide the usual equipment, supplies and necessary maintenance for such. The equipment is stored in a secure area. The personnel responsible for the equipment are designated in the individual health plan. The individual health plan will designate the role of the school, parents, and others in the provision, supply, storage and maintenance of necessary equipment.


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507.9 - Wellness Policy

507.9 - Wellness Policy

The Dunkerton Community School District Board of Education is committed to the optimal development of every student. The board believes for students to have the opportunity to achieve personal, academic, developmental, and social success, there needs to be a positive, safe, and health-promoting learning environment at every level, in every setting.

The school district provides a comprehensive learning environment for developing and practicing lifelong wellness behaviors. The entire school environment, not just the classroom, shall be aligned with healthy school district goals to positively influence a student's understanding, beliefs and habits as they relate to good nutrition and regular physical activity. In accordance with law and this belief, the board commits to the following:

The school district will identify at least one goal in each of the following areas:

  • Nutrition Education and Promotion: Schools will provide nutrition education and engage in nutrition promotion that helps students develop lifelong healthy eating behaviors.
  • Physical Activity: Schools will provide students with age and grade appropriate opportunities to engage in physical activity that meet the Iowa Healthy Kids Act.
  • Other School Based Activities that Promote Wellness: As appropriate, schools will support students, staff, and parents' efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The following nutritional guidelines for food available on school campuses will be adhered to:

  • Meals served through the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program will be appealing and meet, at a minimum, nutrition requirements established by state and federal law;
  • Schools providing access to healthy foods outside the reimbursable meal programs before school, during school and thirty minutes after school shall meet the United States Department of Agriculture ("USDA") Smart Snacks in Schools nutrition standards, at a minimum. This includes such items as those sold through a la carte lines, vending machines, student run stores, and fundraising activities;
  • Snacks provided to students during the school day without charge (e.g., class parties) will meet standards set by the district in accordance with law. The district will provide parents a list of foods and beverages that meet nutrition standards for classroom snacks and celebrations; and
  • Schools will only allow marketing and advertising of foods and beverages that meet the Smart Snacks in school nutritional standards on campus during the school day.

The superintendent or superintendent's designee shall implement and ensure compliance with the policy by:

  • Reviewing the policy at least every three years and recommending updates as appropriate for board approval;
  • Implementing a process for permitting parents, students, representatives of the school food authority, teachers of physical education, school health professionals, the school board, administrators and the public to participate in the development, implementation, and periodic review and update of the policy;
  • Making the policy and updated assessment of the implementation available to the public (e.g., posting on the website, newsletters, etc). This information shall include the extent to which the schools are in compliance with policy and a description of the progress being made in attaining the goals of the policy; and
  • Developing administrative regulations, which shall include specific wellness goals and indicators for measurement of progress consistent with law and district policy. Code No. 507.9



Legal Reference:  42 U.S.C. §§ 1751 et seq.
42 U.S.C. §§ 1771 et seq.
Iowa Code §§ 256.7(29); 256.11(6).
281 I.A.C. 12.5; 58.11

Cross Reference:  504.5 Student Fund Raising
                                      504.6 Student Activity Program
                                      710 School Food Services

Approved: August 1996                    
Reviewed: February 2017, May 2020
Revised: May 2009                


dawn.gibson.cm… Fri, 12/22/2023 - 13:48

507.9R1 - Wellness Regulation

507.9R1 - Wellness Regulation

To implement the Wellness Policy, the following district specific goals have been established:

Goal 1 - Nutrition Education and Promotion: Schools will provide nutrition education and engage in nutrition promotion that help students develop lifelong healthy eating behaviors. The goal(s) for addressing nutrition education and nutrition promotion include the following:

  • Provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote and protect their health;
  • Ensure nutrition education and promotion are not only part of health education classes, but also integrated into other classroom instruction through subjects such as math, science, language arts, social sciences, and elective subjects;
  • Include enjoyable, developmentally-appropriate, culturally-relevant, and participatory activities, such as cooking demonstrations or lessons, promotions, taste-testing, farm visits, and school gardens;
  • Promote fruits, vegetables, whole-grain products, low-fat and fat-free dairy products, and healthy foods;
  • Emphasize caloric balance between food intake and energy expenditure (promotes physical activity/exercise);
  • Link with school meal programs, cafeteria nutrition promotion activities, school gardens, Farm to School programs, other school foods, and nutrition-related community services;
  • Implement evidence-based healthy food promotion techniques through the school meal programs using Smarter Lunchroom techniques;
  • Teach media literacy with an emphasis on food and beverage marketing;
  • Include nutrition education training for teachers and other staff; and/or


Goal 2 - Physical Activity: Schools will provide students and staff with age and grade appropriate opportunities to engage in physical activity that meet federal and state guidelines, including the Iowa Healthy Kids Act. The goal(s) for addressing physical activity include the following:

  • Develop a comprehensive, school-based physical activity program (CSPAP), that includes the following components:
    • Physical education, recess;
    • Classroom-based physical activity;
    • Walk to school; and
    • Out of school time activities;
  • Promote the benefits of a physically active lifestyle and help students develop skills to engage in lifelong healthy habits;
  • Engage students in moderate to vigorous activity during at least 50 percent of physical education class time;
  • Encourage classroom teachers to provide short physical activity breaks (3-5 minutes), as appropriate;
  • Encourage teachers to incorporate movement and kinesthetic learning approaches into core subject instructions when possible;
  • Offer classroom health education that complements physical education by reinforcing the knowledge and self-management skills needed to maintain a physically active lifestyle;
  • Ensure physical activity is not used for or withheld as a punishment;
  • Afford elementary students with recess according to the following:
    • At least 20 minutes a day;
    • Outdoors as weather and time permits;
    • Encourages moderate to vigorous physical activity; and
  • Scheduled to avoid extended periods of inactivity (i.e., periods of two or more hours). and/or

Goal 3 - Other School-Based Activities that Promote Student Wellness: Schools will support student, staff, and parents' efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle, as appropriate. The goal(s) for addressing other school-based activities that promote student wellness include the following Select goal(s) from the list below:

  • Provide parents a list of foods and beverages that meet nutrition standards for classroom snacks and celebrations;
  • Provide school staff a list of alternative ways to reward children. Foods and beverages will not be used as a reward, or withheld as punishment;
  • Develop a plan to promote staff health and wellness;
  • Engage students and parents, through taste-tests of new school meal items and surveys to identify new, healthful, and appealing food choices;
  • Share information about the nutritional content of meals with parents and students;
  • Support the consumption of breakfast at school by implementing alternative breakfast options to the extent possible (e.g., grab n' go, breakfast in the classroom, breakfast after 1st period, etc.);
  • Permit students to bring and carry water bottles filled with water throughout the day;
  • Make drinking water available where school meals are served during mealtimes;
  • Encourage fundraising efforts held outside school hours to sell only non-food items, promote physical activity, or include foods and beverages that meet or exceed the Smart Snacks nutrition standards;
  • Strive to provide students with at least 10 minutes to eat after sitting down for breakfast and 20 minutes after sitting down for lunch;
  • Discourage students from sharing foods or beverages during meal or snack times, given concerns about allergies and dietary needs;

Public Involvement: There is a process for permitting parents, students, representatives of the school food authority, teachers of physical education, school health professionals, the school board, administrators and the public to participate in the development, implementation, and periodic review and update of the policy select a process from the list below.

  • The district has a local wellness policy committee to advise the district on the development, implementation, and improvement of the school wellness policy  


dawn.gibson.cm… Fri, 12/22/2023 - 13:49