710.2 - Free or Reduced Price Meals Eligibility

710.2 - Free or Reduced Price Meals Eligibility

Students enrolled and attending school in the school district who meet USDA eligibility guidelines will be provided the school nutrition program services at no cost or at a reduced price.  The school district shall make reasonable efforts to prevent the overt identification of students who are eligible for free and reduced price meals.

The district shall at least twice annually  notify all families of the availability, eligibility criteria, and application procedures for free or reduced price meals in accordance with state and federal law.

It is the responsibility of the food service director or designee to determine the eligibility of students for free or reduced price school nutrition programs, in accordance with criteria established by state and federal law.  If school personnel have knowledge of a student who is in need of free or reduced-price meals, school personnel shall contact the food service director or designee.

If a student owes money for five or more meals, the food service director or designee may contact the student’s parent or guardian to provide information regarding the application for free or reduced price meals.  The school is encouraged to provide reimbursable meals to students who request reimbursable meals unless the students’ parent or guardian has specifically provided written direction to the school to withhold a meal from the student.

Employees will be required to pay for meals consumed.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop administrative regulations for implementing this policy.



Legal Reference:  2 U.S.C. §§ 1751 et seq..
7 C.F.R. §§ 210 et seq..
Iowa Code § 283A.
281 I.A.C. 58.

Cross Reference:  710.1 School Nutrition Program
                                     710.3 Vending Machines
                                     710.4 Meal Charge Policy

Approved: November 1996
Reviewed:  January 2018, July 2021
Revised: January 1999


dawn.gibson.cm… Tue, 12/26/2023 - 15:51