403.7E3 - Consent for Request of Information

403.7E3 - Consent for Request of Information

Name (print)                                                               Social Security Number


The following records should be on file prior to, and must be no later than 14 days of, your performing a safety-sensitive function for the school district. Without these records from your prior employers you will be unable to perform a safety-sensitive function for the school district and will no longer be employed by the school district at the expiration of the 14-day period.

I authorize release of the following records related to my participation in a U.S. DOT approved and/or other drug and alcohol testing program for the prior two years:

                      ·Alcohol test results of 0.04 breath alcohol concentration or greater;

                      ·Positive drug test results;

                      ·Refusals to be tested for drugs or alcohol;

                      ·Substance abuse evaluations;

                      ·Recommended treatment by a substance abuse professional;

                      ·Completion of treatment recommended by a substance abuse professional; and

                      ·Other information related to violations of U.S. DOT drug and alcohol regulations.


Signature                                                                                 Date





Company Name:








School District Contact Person:




_ Requested information enclosed



I certify, to the best of my knowledge, the company named above has a U.S. DOT drug and alcohol testing program conforming to U.S. DOT requirements in place and the above named individual participated in such program from (date) to (date) and, within the two years preceding this request, had no alcohol test results of 0.04 breath alcohol concentration or greater, no positive drug test results, no refusals to be tested for drugs or alcohol, no substance abuse professional evaluations, no recommended treatment for substance abuse, or other violations related to the U.S. DOT drug and alcohol regulations.



Named/Signature/Title                                                                       Date




Approved: November 1995      
Reviewed: January 2017, May 2020


dawn.gibson.cm… Fri, 12/29/2023 - 11:38