903.2 - Volunteer Services

903.2 - Volunteer Services

The board recognizes the valuable resource it has in the members of the school district community.  When possible and in concert with the education program, members of the school district community may be asked to make presentations to the students or to assist employees in duties other than teaching.  The school district may officially recognize the contributions made by volunteers.

Recruitment, training, utilization, and the maintenance of records for the purposes of insurance coverage and/or recognition of school district volunteers is the responsibility of the superintendent.

Volunteers within the district are held to the same high standards of behavior as school employees and will be subject to background checks prior to interacting with the students in a volunteer capacity.  It is the responsibility of the superintendent or the superintendent's designee to create regulations necessary to carry out this policy.



Legal Reference:  Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 670.

Cross Reference:  603.1 Basic Instruction Program
903.3 Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites

Approved: January 1997
Reviewed: February 1999, July 2009, March 2012, March 2015, March 2018, January 2022


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903.2R1 - Volunteer Services Regulation

903.2R1 - Volunteer Services Regulation

The building administrator or his/her designee is responsible for administering and directing the school’s volunteer program.



The District values the work of its volunteers. All volunteers shall adhere to the following requirements:

1. Participate in volunteer training when required.

2. Work within the guidelines established by the responsible administrator/staff member.

3. Supply supplemental and supportive service.

4. Work under the direction and supervision of teachers or other members of the school staff.

5. Perform tasks assigned by their supervisor and approved by the responsible administrator, excluding access to student records.

6. Maintain strict confidentiality with all school or classroom information to which they have  access while performing their volunteer activities.

7. Serve in an auxiliary capacity under the direction and supervision of professional school personnel. Volunteers do not have access to confidential files and records. Teachers, administrators, and volunteers shall be aware of all state and local policies, procedures, and laws relevant to volunteer responsibilities.



When beginning an assignment, a disclosure statement shall be collected on a separate card, reviewed and approved by the principal, and kept on file at each school for all Level I and Level II volunteers. Each time a volunteer enters the building, the following procedures will apply: 1. Report to the principal’s office or other designated location and sign-in and sign-out, noting name, date, time of day, and length of volunteer service and 2. Wear a nametag provided by the school.



Training of volunteers shall include the following topics:

1. Clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities

2. Information about the school, its staff, educational programs, and activities

3. Rules, regulations, and day to day operations of the school

4. Sign-in procedures

5. Emergency procedures

6. Parking

7. Use of phones

8. Location of restrooms

9. Tobacco/Nicotine prohibition (See board policy # 905.4 – Tobacco/Nicotine Free Environment)

10. Specifics of their volunteer assignment

11. Start date



Each school Principal or designee will be responsible for the following:

1. Provide for or arrange for training sessions for its volunteers

2. Maintain a volunteer log

3. Maintain volunteer application forms and Disclosure Statements

4. Communicate regularly with volunteers

5. Thank and appreciate their volunteers



The District utilizes many types of volunteers who work in varying capacities. The types or categories are described below.

1. Level I

Volunteers who provide direct services to students on a regular basis and may be asked to assume some direct supervision of a student or group of students.  Examples include, but are not limited to the following:  one-to-one or small group mentoring (i.e. mentors) or tutoring (i.e reading volunteers); chaperon for an overnight event or field trips, sports coaches/assistants of school-sponsored teams.


2. Level II

Volunteers who provide limited services to students on an occasional basis and who will not assume direct supervision of students OR volunteers who occasionally assist with clerical duties in classrooms or offices.  Examples include, but are not limited to the following:  clerical assistant, classroom helper, library assistant.



Persons who are members of non-school organizations and groups that come to classrooms to present programs with teachers or other staff members present.  These visitors to the school are part of a one time entrance to the school and staff are present for the entire time they are in the building.  Examples include, but are not limited to the following:  outside resource speakers for classrooms or assemblies, Junior Achievement presenters, career exploration presenters, etc...


Procedures for visitors to the building are addressed in Board Policy 903.3.



Legal Reference:  Iowa Code, Chapter 22 (2003)
Department of Education School Rules of Iowa, Chapter 11.4(5)

Approved: January 1997
Reviewed: February 1999, July 2009, March 2012, March 2015, March 2018, January 2022


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903.2E2 - Volunteer Statement of Confidentiality

903.2E2 - Volunteer Statement of Confidentiality

Our school is a vital part of the community. Respecting one’s privacy and confidentiality is very important:

Each student with whom you work has the right to expect that nothing that happens to or about him or her will be repeated to anyone other than authorized school department employees, as designated by the administrators at your school. Even when discussing a student with those who are directly involved in a student’s education, such as a teacher, principal, or guidance counselor, you may not share otherwise confidential information with them unless it is relevant to the student’s educational growth, safety, or well-being.

You may not share information about a student even with others who are genuinely interested in the student’s welfare, such as social workers, scout leaders, clergy, or nurses/physicians (a grave medical emergency, in which confidential information may be necessary for a student’s care, is the only exception). Thus, you must refer all such questions to the school employees so authorized and indicated to you, typically the student’s teacher or principal. 

Parents, friends, or community members may, in good faith, ask you questions about a student’s problems or progress. Again, you must refer all such questions to the authorized school employees. You may not share information about a student, even with members of your own family or his/her family. 


Volunteer Liability and Indemnification 

A volunteer shall at all times indemnify and hold harmless Dunkerton Community Schools and its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims, damages and expenses arising out of injuries to persons or damage to property which resulted from any omissions or negligent acts of the volunteer.

I understand and agree that I will not disclose such confidential information except to school employees that have a need to know.



______________________________    ____________________________                ______
Signature                                                         Printed name                                                       Date


It is the policy of the Dunkerton Community School District to make every reasonable effort to provide a safe learning environment for students working with volunteers. Therefore, the District requires the following confidential information from volunteers who work directly with students or assist staff on a regular basis; supervise/chaperone students; or act as a primary authority figure. This statement must be completed and returned to the District office prior to beginning any volunteer experience.

*Background checks are good for five years from date of completion.










Day Phone:

Evening Phone:

Do you have any record of drug or alcohol arrests?

            Yes                  No

Have you ever been convicted of a serious misdemeanor, aggravated misdemeanor, or a felony under Iowa law or any other state/country law?


            Yes                  No

Have you ever been convicted, or had an administrative finding, of violating any law involving child abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, sexual harassment or exploitation, or any other crime related to children?


            Yes                  No


Have you ever been the subject of or listed as the perpetrator in a founded child abuse report?

            Yes                  No


Are you required to register as a sex offender with the Sex Offender Registry?

            Yes                  No


Do you currently have charges pending or are there any ongoing investigations relating to any of the previous questions?

            Yes                  No


Has your driver’s license ever been suspended or revoked?

            Yes                  No

*A “Yes” answer to any of the questions listed above may require an interview with a district administrator.



Signature: _______________________________ Date: _____________________


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