2024-03-19 - Regular Meeting

2024-03-19 - Regular Meeting

  Dunkerton Community School 

March 20, 2024

    Board Meeting 6:00 p.m. 

High School Library-Entrance #3



Directors: President Kirby Marquart, Chad Wolfensperger, Dan Knebel, Kim Fettkether and Elizabeth Downs was absent. Superintendent Dan Fox, AD/Associate Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal, Patty Foster, Board Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Zahrt.  

Also Present: Jill Wurzer

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart. 

ROLL CALL: Fettkether – Aye., Wolfensperger – Aye, Knebel – Aye, Marquart – Aye, Downs – Absent.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Wolfensperger to go into Public Hearing for 2024-2025 School Calendar; all ayes.

No Comments.

Motioned by Wolfensperger, seconded by Fettkether to approve coming out of Public Hearing; all ayes.


Motion made by Knebel, second by Fettkether to approve the Consent Agenda with the addition of Jada Spooner, Band Teacher including Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials and Personnel; all ayes.

COMMUNITY/PROGRAM PRESENTATIONS: Kory Kelchen presented a Portrait of a Graduate update with a graphic created by Bella Berinobis that was really impressive.  Jill Wurzer informed the Board that they are working on competency grade bands to make it meaningful to staff and students.  Kelchen thanked the team for all their time put into it. 


  • Kelchen presented an up to date spreadsheet on sharing positions for FY 24-25.  He continues to follow legislative activity closely and how it could affect the district. He discussed the budget for 24-25 and indicated that residents will receive a Proposed Property Tax Statement from Black Hawk County with a tax rate that is the maximum rate and consistent with last year’s rate. He indicated that negotiations are getting underway for 24-25 school year.

  • Kelchen presented the MS/HS Update in leu of Principal Corbin.  He covered March events including that conferences went well, FCCLA State Leadership Conference, CAPS Project-Mental Health and Wellness Room, Lauren Wolfensperger – Mock Trial results, HS Track is in full swing and two students participated in soccer with East.

  • Principal Foster discussed partnering with Glidden-Ralston and Ballard School District for LETRS Training.  She presented March Professional Development of ISASP Test Security Training to appropriate staff, TLC Team Meetings, Learning Group Meeting with book studies.  She indicated that Camp Read S’more Literacy Night was a huge success with over 100 people participating and Michelle Wheeler from the Dunkerton Public Library shared exciting summer activities with the group.  Foster gave a big thank to the Community Involvement Committee and all the teachers who provided fun literacy activities for our families.

  • Kelchen presented a facilities update including details of his meeting with the DOT and discussed ways to make the crossings in front of the school safer for the kids.  He discussed the Track Fundraiser and thanked everyone for coming out and donating.

Motioned by Fettkether, seconded by Wolfensperger to approve the 2024-2025 School Calendar as presented; all ayes.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Fettkether to approve the purchase of student Chromebooks in the amount of $33,000 using REAP funds; all ayes.

Motioned by Fettkether, seconded by Knebel to approve the purchase of additional Edgenuity licenses from Imagine Learning for Science courses in the amount of $6,419.20; all ayes.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Wolfensperger to approve the Local Government Risk Pool Agreement in the amount of $57,230.30 using Management Funds; all ayes.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Fettkether to approve the purchase of window blinds from Kirk Gross for all preschool and south facing classrooms; all ayes.

Motioned by Fettkether, seconded by Wolfensperger to approve the purchase of a nurse’s office wall from Kirk Gross as presented; all ayes.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Wolfensperger to approve the purchase of two mini splits for the Fitness Center from Bergen Plumbing Heating Cooling Inc. for $15,518.53 using Fitness Center funds; all ayes.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Fettkether to approve the first reading of the following policies; all ayes. 

  • 501.1 – 501.16 - Student Attendance

  • 503.8 – 503.8R1 -Threats of Violence


Kelchen shared that Dunkerton had 12 Gold Star Nominations this year which is a credit to our staff. Director Knebel commented that at the Track Meet, Henry Peterson set a record and the girls doing great too. He also mentioned that he was recently in Rachel Hauptly’s class and the kids behaved so well.  President Marquart complimented the basketball banquet for their good food and conversations and the facilities continue to impress and hats off to Principal Foster and staff for the Literacy Night and having a great turnout.  Director Fettkether said nice job to everyone involved at the concert she attended.

 The next meeting will be:

  • Proposed Property Tax Hearing April 3rd at 6 p.m. 

  • Budget Hearing April 17th at 6 p.m. 

Motion made by Wolfensperger, second by Fettkether to adjourn at 7:30 pm.; all ayes.



Kirby Marquart, Board President



Kelly Zahrt, Board Secretary

**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.


dfox@dunkerton… Tue, 04/23/2024 - 17:21