Click the links below to find the school board meeting minutes.
November 20, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
November 20, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
November 20, 2024
Board Meeting
6:00 PM
Directors: Present: Wolfensperger, Knebel, Fettkether, Marquart, Downs
Administration: Present: Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal Patty Foster, Secondary Principal Hannah Corbin
Board Secretary: Present: Lyle McIntosh
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by President Marquart
Roll Call
Public Comment: None
New Business:
Moved by Downs, 2nd By Knebel to approve agenda. All Ayes
Moved by Wolfensperger, 2nd By Fettkether to approve consent agenda consisting of October Board Minutes, personnel, list of bills and financial reports. All Ayes
Community/Program Presentations: none
Administrative Updates & Reports:
Superintendent Kory Kelchen: Track pre construction meeting was this week, starting on work and will continue depending on weather. Presented a map of potential parking lots as the track develops discussed adding additional parking on the north east corner where the unused diamond is also using that as student parking to make it so students no longer cross the street, will continue to revisit. Updated cameras are going in over break, perimeter safety project fence post are installed and will continue to progress weather permitting.
Elementary Principal Patty foster: Parent/teacher conferences were a big success with 98% of families participating. Thank you to PTO for feeding the teachers. November PD AEA consultant Joe Kramer discussed what will be needed for Personalized Reading Plans outlined in house file 2618. TLC met to discuss the format for reading plans and the letter that will accompany the plans. Will be shared with parents after winter FAST. Lunch with a loved one was a huge success thank you to the Community Involvement Committee and the student ambassadors for organizing and helping.
Secondary Principal Hannah Corbin: Parent/teacher conferences had great turnout among all teachers, PD last week Mrs. Wolfensperger gave stations a try after Mrs. Rath’s PD highlight last month, had monthly data overview of suspensions, attendance, and more. Mrs. Abels ran a simulation showing the impact of formative assessments on driving real-time instruction. Break out sessions were classroom management with Mrs. Rath and Mrs. Hauptly, Bell-to-Bell teaching with Mrs. Pratt and Mr. Brungard, and Portrait of a Graduate with Mrs. Abels and Mrs. Corbin. Celebrations continued for the student and staff of the month assembly on the 8th. The staff won the student vs staff competition again. Mrs. VanDeWalle and her Ag students will lead the Thanksgiving celebration. Students have had a busy November, 7th-9th grad attended a presentation by Lyndsey Fennelly, Juniors attended the career fair in Jesup, football players attended the state playoff and Mr. Steffen took college visits to NIACC, Wartburg and UNI with students. Fine arts has had a great year highlighted this month by the Swing show and Playing in the veterans day Assembly. Winter sports kicked off the busy winter sports season with Basketball, Bowling and Cheerleading.
Consider River Hills SBRC request: Approved as presented Moved by Fettkether 2nd by Downs All Ayes
Consider LIED center SBRC request: Approved as Presented Moved by Knebel 2nd by Fettkether All Ayes
Consider Outside Lighting. Part of safety grant low bid Best Powerhouse President Marquart asked if they would light if we are to add parking more lights will need to be added for new parking if added, Moved by Wolfensperger 2nd by Downs All Ayes
Consider Purchase of new SUV: Paid for through Special Ed to be used for Special Ed route, 4 possible examples presented, President Marquart asked for approval up to $40,000 price value. Moved by Knebel 2nd by Fettkether All Ayes
Consider Purchase of Steel roof/siding for sheds: Approved as presented Moved by Knebel 2nd by Downs All Ayes
Consider Early Retirement Policy-407.4: No changes will be offered for Fy25 school year. Moved By Downs 2nd by Wolfensperger All Ayes
Financial report for FY24: Presented by Mr. Kelchen Finished year in good financial condition
Approve increase in Basketball Officials Pay: Increase from $130 to $140 Moved by Wolfensperger 2nd by Downs All Ayes
Consider Mock Trial Sharing Agreement with Independence: Moved by Knebel 2nd by Wolfensperger All Ayes
Raider Pride: Mr. Kelchen, Director Wolfensperger, and Principal Corbin all wanted to bring attention to how well the Veterans day program was run and the job done by RHS, Band and all involved. Very well attended and received by the community.
Moved by Wolfensperger 2nd by Downs, All Ayes 6:39 PM
Reminder: December meeting will be moved to Monday December 16th
Kirby Marquart, Board President
Lyle McIntosh, Board Secretary
**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.
October 16, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
October 16, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
October 16, 2024
Board Meeting
6:00 PM
Directors: Present: Wolfensperger, Knebel, Fettkether, Marquart
Absent: Downs
Administration: Present: Superintendent Kory Kelchen
Absent: Elementary Principal Patty Foster, Secondary Principal Hannah Corbin
Board Secretary: Present: Lyle McIntosh
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by President Marquart
Roll Call
Public Comment: None
New Business:
Moved by Fettkether, 2nd By Wolfensperger to approve agenda. All Ayes
Moved by Knebel, 2nd By Fettkether to approve consent agenda consisting of September Board Minutes, personnel, list of bills and financial reports. All Ayes
Community/Program Presentations: none
Administrative Updates & Reports:
Superintendent Kory Kelchen: track bid is out and the pre-bid meeting will be Monday 10/21 with bids coming in 10/29 and bid approval meeting on 10/30 @ 6:00 PM with board of directors. Certified enrollment done down 14.9 resident students, after open enrollment down 5.9 students’ total. CAR and school audit are done for the year and have gone well. December board meeting will be December 15th with Mr. Kelchen and Board Secretary McIntosh in Des Moines for training on regular scheduled date.
Elementary Principal Patty foster: report in board packet. Teachers had a successful collaborative PD day at Denver with special speaker Jimmy Casas. PK-3rd grade students visited fire station for fire safety week. First mentoring mtg. at end of September mentors/mentees with observe each other and continue to meet during the school year. Student solutions meant to discuss students of need for academics or behavior. Red ribbon week will be October 21-25. Teachers have completed unit one of the Letrs training.
Secondary Principal Hannah Corbin: Report in board packet. Homecoming week was a huge success with many new traditions, highlighted by student-athletes autographing session with elementary, rock paper scissors contest, and student staff dodge ball tourney. Special thanks to Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Wolfensperger and the student senate. Mrs. McIntosh and the Honor Society students and Mrs. Abels for helping with all these events. PD this month was focused on stations a tool used in elementary and being brought into the secondary as well. Continuing to work with portrait of a graduate. Jr High Fall concert in the coming weeks much anticipated with increased participation 28 students in JR high band. Parent teacher Conferences are coming up in 2 weeks, staff are reaching out to parents to ensure strong turnout.
FYI, Virtual learning/snow days: Will work with staff on how this looks if needed
Consider early Graduation request: Approved as presented. Moved by Wolfensperger 2nd By Fettkether, All Ayes.
Consider Request for Allowable Growth: Approved As presented. Moved By Knebel 2nd By Fettkether, All Ayes.
Second Reading of Board Policy 705.1-Purchasing-Bidding: Approved as Read. Moved By Wolfensperger 2nd by Fettkether, All Ayes.
Raider Pride: Thank You to all Staff and Community for the good start to the year
Moved by Wolfensperger 2nd by Knebel, All Ayes 6:19 PM
Kirby Marquart, Board President
Lyle McIntosh, Board Secretary
**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.
September 18, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
September 18, 2024 Board Meeting MinutesDunkerton Community School
September 18, 2024
Board Meeting 6:00 p.m.
High School Library
Directors: Present: President Kirby Marquart, Dan Knebel, Chad Wolfensperger, Elizabeth Downs,
Online: Kim Fettkether
Administration: Present: Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal Patty Foster, Secondary Principal Hannah Corbin.
Absent: None
Board Secretary: Present Lyle McIntosh
Guest: Online Marci Titera
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart.
Roll Call.
Public Comment: None.
Moved by Knebel, 2nd by Wolfensperger to approve the agenda; all ayes.
New Business:
Moved by Wolfensperger, 2nd by Knebel to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of August, 2024 board Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials, open enrollment and Personnel; all ayes
Community/Program presentations: None
Administrative Updates and Reports:
Superintendent Kelchen- Updated the board on the resurfacing of the baseball and softball complexes by Ogden Turf. Maintenance head Mike Timmer was working on fixing the stuck sprinkler heads that were found on the baseball field while doing checks.
JH/HS Hannah Corbin- PD on 8/30 working on implementing competencies into everyday routines, implemented Wednesday word of the day offers challenges to students. Checked in with new staff
Elementary Patty Foster- Off to a fast start working through the start of the year FAST testing and getting into routines.
Moved by Downs 2nd by Knebel to approve Radio bid to CEC for $4,934 All Ayes
Moved by Downs 2nd by Knevel to approve fence installation bid of Ike’s Fence work low bid of $23,500 All Ayes
Moved by Wolfensperger 2nd by Knebel to approve camera bid to CEC $56,851 All Ayes
Moved by Downs 2nd by Fettkether to approve Snow removal bid to Best’s Powerhouse, only bid submitted. All Ayes
Moved by Knebel 2nd by Wolfensperger to approve Allen Clinical Experience Agreement. All Ayes
1st reading of Board Policy 705.1. 2nd reading in October
Moved by Knebel 2nd by Downs approve as read 2nd reading of Board policies required annual reviews: policies 103/103.R1, 505.8, 505.8R1,506.1, 506.1E1-506.1E8, 506.1R1, 506.2, and 506.4. All Ayes
Track preliminary bid update discussion of possible bid outcomes will continue with bid process
Raider Pride: Lots of positive comments in the community about the start of the school year and the work of the staff to get the year rolling.
Moved by Downs 2nd Wolfensperger all Ayes 6:58 pm
Kirby Marquart, Board President
Lyle McIntosh, Board Secretary
**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.
August 21, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
August 21, 2024 Board Meeting MinutesDunkerton Community School
August 21, 2024
Board Meeting 6:00 p.m.
Second floor Rm 213
Directors: Present: President Kirby Marquart, Dan Knebel, Kim Fettkether,
Absent: Chad Wolfensperger and Elizabeth Downs
Administration: Present: Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal Patty Foster, Secondary Principal Hannah Corbin.
Absent: None
Board Secretary: Present Lyle McIntosh
No guest
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart.
Roll Call.
Public Comment: None.
Moved by Fettkether, 2nd by Knebel to approve the agenda; all ayes.
New Business:
Moved by Knebel, 2nd by Fettkether to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of July, 2024 board Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials, open enrollment and Personnel; all ayes
Superintendent Kelchen updated on the hiring of Ashley Fairchild Para-Professional, and Garret Ramsey Jr. High Football Coach
Community/Program presentations: None
Administrative updates and reports:
Superintendent Kelchen- Ready for the school year all summer work completed other than the new door on the nurses wall that was installed. Had a track meeting on 8/20/2024 and it went well.
JH/HS Hannah Corbin- Teachers and staff back in the building met with staff and discussed goals for the new year. There was a lot of discussion on intervention with students and celebrating accomplishments. Welcomed new staff.
Elementary Patty Foster- Welcomed new teachers. The TLC team met on 8/19/2024 and are ready for the new year. Letters training kicks off with teachers on 8/22/2024. Back to school night was held and a big success.
Moved by Fettkether, 2nd by Knebel to approve Head Start Agreement for 24-25, All ayes
Moved by Knebel, 2nd by Fettkether, to purchase school crossing warning lights as long as they are programmable in the way maintenance wants. All ayes
Moved by Fettkether, 2nd by Knebel to wave the first reading and except the 2nd reading of board policies 501.09,501.09-R1, 501.10, 501.10-R1 with relation to legislative changes on chronic absenteeism and truancy with the change to read students will be allowed 3 exempt absences for illness or family emergency before a doctor’s note is required to not count against their truancy percentage. All ayes
Moved by Knebel, 2nd by Fettkether to accept the high bus bid of $2,100 from Cory Best. All Ayes
Moved by Fettkether, 2nd by Knebel to approve the purchase of IXL learning software for 2024/25 school year. All ayes
1st reading of Board policies required annual reviews: policies 103/103.R1, 505.8, 505.8R1,506.1, 506.1E1-506.1E8, 506.1R1, 506.2, and 506.4 2nd reading and approval in September.
Moved By Fettkether 2nd by Knebel to approve the 24/25 agreement with Hawkeye Community College. All ayes
Raider Pride
Superintendent Kelchen stated the excitement for everyone to get back to school and have a chance to be together to be able to announce that we were chosen as a Iowa Top Workplace.
Moved by Knebel 2nd Fettkether all Ayes 7:17 pm
Kirby Marquart, Board President
Lyle McIntosh, Board Secretary
**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.
July 17, 2024 - Board Meeting Minutes
July 17, 2024 - Board Meeting Minutes
Dunkerton Community School
July 17, 2024
Board Meeting 6:00 p.m.
High School Library-Entrance #3
Directors: President Kirby Marquart, Chad Wolfensperger, Dan Knebel. Elizabeth Downs, Online Kim Fettkether Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Board Secretary Lyle McIntosh
No guest
Meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart.
Roll Call.
Public Comment: None.
Moved by Downs, 2nd by Wolfensperger to approve the agenda; all ayes.
New Business:
Moved by Knebel, 2nd by Downs to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of June, 2024 board Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials and Personnel; all ayes
Superintendent Kelchen updated the resignation of custodian Howe, Jr. High Track coach Turpen, and hires for Para-educater Adams, Kitchen staff Dietz
Community/Program presentations: None
Administrative updates and reports:
Superintendent Kelchen- PK hallway new flooring, Secondary lounge update and Jr High Bleacher update are all completed. Nurses office wall instillation and parking lot sealing to be done in the coming weeks. Janitors are through most all cleaning will do commons and gym during family week. Discussed the staffing everything filled except custodian interviews are scheduled to fill.
Moved by Downs 2nd by Wolfensperger to update 2024-25 Staff Hand Book as presented. All Ayes
Moved by Fettkether 2nd by Knebel to update 2024-25 Student Hand Book as presented. All Ayes
Moved by Wolfensperger 2nd Downs to approve 2024-25 athletic sharing agreements with Waterloo East bowling and boys’ soccer, Waterloo West girls’ soccer, and Cedar Falls swimming/diving. All ayes
Moved by Downs 2nd Wolfensperger to approve $14 starting wage for Para educators and kitchen staff, starting custodial pay to be $15.50, and increasing current returning Para educators who are making $14/hr. to ensure they are making more than the starting wage for new Para educators. Along with the increase sub pay for Para, custodian and kitchen staff to $11/hr. . All ayes
Crosswalk update no action was taken will do more investigating
Moved by Wolfensperger 2nd by Knebel to approve 24-25 Edgenuity Agreement for $7704.40. All Ayes
Moved by Downs, 2nd By Fettkether to approve the Ag Sharing Agreement with Denver Community School. All Ayes
Moved by Knebel 2nd by Downs to allow up to the amount of $9000 to purchase a 7x14 enclosed trailer for use by the school. 4 current quotes were presented and board member Wolfensperger asked that all possible local dealers be checked with before purchasing. All ayes
Moved by downs 2nd by Fettkether to purchase Camera licenses for security system. All ayes
Moved by Knebel 2nd by Downs to accept the current quote for track project. Superintendent Kelchen explained the change in price his concerns and emergent architectures response to these concerns and ways we will be able to save. Board member Wolfensperger asked for clarity on who was now running the project the school or the booster club. The project will be handled by the school with Mr. Kelchen the point of contact and the booster club is alongside for fund raising purposes. All Ayes
Raider Pride
President Marquart was contacted by visiting parent and read a statement from an umpire on how nice our baseball and softball facilities are. Mr. Kelchen commented on the improvements in both baseball and softball and the thank you received from Summner-Fredricksburg School for allowing them to play their district finals game at Dunkerton and how nice and well prepared the facilities were for them
Moved by Downs 2nd Wolfensperger all Ayes 6:58 pm
Kirby Marquart, Board President
Lyle McIntosh, Board Secretary
**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.