501.10 - Truancy - Unexcused Absences

501.10 - Truancy - Unexcused Absences

Regular attendance by the students at school is essential for students to obtain the maximum opportunities from the education program. Parents and students alike are encouraged to ensure an absence from school is a necessary absence. Students will attend school unless excused by the principal of their attendance center.


Truancy is the failure to attend school for the minimum number of days established in the school calendar by the board. Truancy is the act of being absent without a reasonable excuse. These absences will include, but not be limited to, tardiness, shopping, hunting, concerts, preparation or participation in parties and other celebrations and employment. Truancy will not be tolerated by the board.


Students are subject to disciplinary action for truancy including suspension and expulsion. It is within the discretion of the principal to determine, in light of the circumstances, whether a student may make up work missed because of truancy. Students receiving special education services will not be assigned to [supervised study hall, in-school suspension] unless the goals and objectives of the student's Individualized Education Program are capable of being met.


It is the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the principal, to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy. The administrative regulations will indicate the disciplinary action to be taken for truancy.



Legal Reference:  Iowa Code §§ 294.4; 299.
281 I.A.C. 12.3(4).

Cross Reference:  206.3 Secretary
410.3 Truancy Officer
501 Student Attendance
503 Student Discipline
504 Student Activities
506 Student Records

Approved: August 1996
Reviewed: February 2017, May 2020, August 2024
Revised: May 2009, April 2024        


dawn.gibson.cm… Fri, 12/22/2023 - 11:43

501.10R1 - Truancy - Unexcused Absence Regulation

501.10R1 - Truancy - Unexcused Absence Regulation


501.10R1 - Truancy - Unexcused Absence Regulation

I. General Attendance Policy

A. Absences

1. Parents are expected to notify the school prior to 8:10 a.m. regarding a student's absence on the day of the absence. All absences must be reported within one day of the absence to be considered excused. 

Students absent from school for any reason may be required by the school to submit a written explanation or specific reason for their absence, the specific days of times they were absent, verification by the doctor or dentist where appropriate, and a signature of the parent. 

2. Acceptable reasons for a student's absence from school are limited to the following:

     a. religious observances;

     b. extended illness, hospitalization or doctor's care;

     c. death in the family or family emergency; and

     d. court appearance or other legal situation beyond the control of the family.

3. Classes missed because of attendance at a school-sponsored trip or activity will not be considered an absence. However, the student will be required to make up work missed.

4. In-school suspensions will be treated as school-initiated student absences and will not count toward the days absent. However, the student will be required to make up work missed.

B. Tardiness 

1. A student is tardy when the student initially appears in the assigned area any time after the designated starting time.

2. All incidents of class tardiness will be the responsibility of the teacher.

Teachers will emphasize the importance of being on time and explain the classroom rules and procedures for tardies. The tardy sanctions should be consistently applied and sequential. Sanctions may include, but are not limited to, warning, assigned detention, parent contact and referral to



Adopted: 4/23/24

Reviewed: August 2024

dawn.gibson.cm… Fri, 12/22/2023 - 11:45