Click the links below to find the school board meeting minutes.


Jen@iowaschool… Thu, 09/19/2019 - 10:48




Click the links below to find the school board meeting minutes.


Jen@iowaschool… Thu, 11/30/2023 - 21:47

2023-07-19 - Regular Meeting

2023-07-19 - Regular Meeting

Dunkerton Community School 

July 19, 2023 

Board Meeting 6:00 p.m. 

High School Library-Entrance #3



Directors: President Kirby Marquart, Dan Knebel, Chad Wolfensperger and Andy Snyder.

Absent: Elizabeth Downs. Superintendent Dan Fox, Principal/Associate Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Secondary Principal Hannah Corbin, Board Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Zahrt.

Guests: Virtually - Madeleine Marsh, Nichole LaMarsh and Patty Foster Elementary Principal.


Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart. 

Roll Call.

Motion made by Knebel, second by Snyder to approve the agenda. Motion carried: 3-0.

New Business

Motion made by Wolfensperger, second by Knebel to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials and Personnel.  Motion carried: 3-0.

Dan Fox/Kory Kelchen informed the Board of facility updates. Superintendent Fox offered to update the Board weekly of construction progress.

Motion made by Knebel, second by Snyder to approve the lowest responsible bid by Peters Construction for a new ceiling grid and tile in 6 classrooms in the amount of $28,993 as presented. Motion carried: 3-0

Motion by Wolf, second by Knebel to terminate agreement with Nolte, Cornman & Johnson, PC. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion Knebel, second by Snyder to approve the agreement with Kay Chapman CPA, PC as presented; all ayes. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion by Snyder, second by Wolfensperger to install gas/diesel barrels. Motion carried: 3-0.

Board President Kirby Marquart opened the sealed Truck bids.  Annette and Jim Stanton had the highest sealed bid at $4,001.01.

Motion by Knebel, second by Wolfensperger to approve Bread Bid from Bimbo Bakeries as presented; Motion carried 3-0.

 Motion by Snyder, second by Wolfensperger to approve the 2023-2024 Staff Handbook. Motion carried   3-0.

Motioned by Snyder, second by Knebel to approve the 2023-2024 Student Handbook. Motion carried 3- 0.

Motioned by Snyder, second by Wolfensperger to approve the 1st Reading of 2023 Legislative Session

Board Policy Suggestions minus 500 series and 804.5. Motion Carried 3-0.

Raider Pride – Several Board Members have received positive comments on how nice the grounds looked.

Next regular Board meeting is Wednesday, Aug 16th, 2023 @ 6:00 p.m.

Motion made by Wolfensperger, second by Snyder to adjourn at 6:48 pm. Motion carried: 3-0.  


Kirby Marquart, Board President



Kelly Zahrt, Board Secretary

**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.… Fri, 12/29/2023 - 18:43

2023-07-31 - Special Meeting

2023-07-31 - Special Meeting

                   Dunkerton Community School District

July 31, 2023 

Special Board Meeting 6:00 p.m. 

High School Library-Entrance #3



Directors Present: President Kirby Marquart, Dan Knebel, Chad Wolfensperger and Andy Snyder.

Virtual: Elizabeth Downs. Superintendent Dan Fox, Principal/Associate Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Board Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Zahrt.


Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart. 

Roll Call.

Motion made by Snyder, second by Wolfensperger to approve the agenda. Motion carried: 4-0.

Motion made by Knebel, second by Snyder to approve the Resolution School Director Change of Election Method and Redistricting of Dunkerton Community School District Following 2020 Federal Decennial Census. Motion carried: 4-0.

Motion made by Wolfensperger, second by Knebel to adjourn at 6:16 pm. Motion carried: 4-0.  


Kirby Marquart, Board President



Kelly Zahrt, Board Secretary

**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.… Fri, 12/29/2023 - 18:44

2023-08-16 - Regular Meeting

2023-08-16 - Regular Meeting

Dunkerton Community School 

August 16, 2023 

    Board Meeting 6:00 p.m. 

High School Library-Entrance #3



Directors: President Kirby Marquart, Dan Knebel, Chad Wolfensperger, Andy Snyder and Elizabeth Downs. Superintendent Dan Fox, Principal/Associate Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal, Patty Foster, Secondary Principal Hannah Corbin, Board Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Zahrt.


Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart. 

Roll Call.

Public Comment: None.

Motion made by Snyder, second by Wolfensperger to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0.

New Business

Motion made by Knebel, second by Snyder to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials and Personnel.  Motion carried 4-0. Associate Principal Kelchen informed the Board that many rooms are completed with some delays in the 3-year-old Preschool Room’s flooring. He invited the Board to go and take a look after the meeting. Admission costs are going up in Football to $6 and Volleyball staying at $5.  Junior high games will be charging $3 at the door this year. Gatorade Scrimmage is taking place Friday, August 18, 2023.

Superintendent Fox shared that the Superintendent sharing transition is going well.

Principal Corbin indicated her new staff were settling in.  She is implementing digital hall passes this year.

Back to School will be Monday, August 21st from 4-6.

Principal Foster thanked the custodians for all their hard work this summer. They moved the furniture carefully and quickly.  The TLC Team met with the new teachers and worked on curriculum.

Associate Superintendent Kelchen presented the Board a couple options for a four and eight lane all purpose track.  Superintendent Fox asked if the Board was interested in pursuing possible grants and additional funding sources to help with the cost.  The Board indicated that they were.

Motioned by Wolfensperger, seconded by Snyder to approve the agreement with Hawkeye College.  Motion carried 4-0.

Motioned by Downs, seconded by Wolfensperger to approve the credit card additions and deletions as follows: Remove Amy Morley and adding Kelly Zahrt, Lyle McIntosh, Hannah Corbin and Mike Timmer. Motion Carried 4-0.

Superintendent Fox discussed options with the Board in regards to hooking up to the cities water or pursuing a well for the athletic fields.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Snyder to approve a motion to hook up to the cities water meter.  Motion carried 4-0.

Associate Superintendent Kelchen discussed the school districts need for another van and the difficulty they are having finding a good used vehicle.

Motioned by Snyder, seconded by Downs to approve the purchase of a van in the amount of up to $50,000. Motion Carried 4-0.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Downs to approve the 2nd reading of 2023 Legislative Session on all except the 500 Series. Motion Carried 4-0.

Raiders Pride: A big thank you goes out to the custodial staff for all the extra hours and hard work getting ready for the first day of school.  The facilities look great.

Next regular Board meeting is Wednesday, September 20, 2023 @ 6:00 p.m.  Motion made by Knebel, second by Downs to adjourn at 6:48 pm. Motion carried: 4-0.  


Kirby Marquart, Board President



Kelly Zahrt, Board Secretary

**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.… Fri, 12/29/2023 - 18:42

2023-09-20 - Regular Meeting

2023-09-20 - Regular Meeting

Dunkerton Community School 

September 20, 2023 

    Board Meeting 6:00 p.m. 

High School Library-Entrance #3



Directors: President Kirby Marquart, Chad Wolfensperger, Andy Snyder and Elizabeth Downs. Dan Knebel – Absent.  Superintendent Dan Fox, Principal/Associate Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal, Patty Foster, Secondary Principal Hannah Corbin, Board Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Zahrt.   Virtual Attendee: Jill Wurzer

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart. 

Roll Call.

Public Comment: None.

Motion made by Wolfensperger, second by Snyder to approve the agenda. Motion carried 3-0.

New Business

Motion made by Wolfensperger, second by Downs to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials and Personnel.  Motion carried 3-0.

Community/Program Presentations: None.

 Principal Corbin shared details from her Hero Training with the Secondary Staff during Active Shooter Training. Smart Pass implementation has gone extremely well.  She shared that the staff has created and implemented a Progressive Plan of Discipline with hopes of cutting down on office referrals.

Principal Foster shared that her staff has been digging into curriculum. Fall Assessments are almost finished and Benchmark Assessments. She spoke about Hero Training and Lessons learned.  She indicated the curriculum is age appropriate.

Principal/Associate Superintendent Kelchen informed the Board of upcoming roof repairs covered by insurance. Board Director Marquart shared that he has had several suggestions from citizens that we should consider placing a porta potty on the visitor side of outdoor events.

Motioned by Wolfensperger, seconded by Downs to approve the request for Allowable Growth and Supplemental State Aid for Negative Special Education Balance in the amount of $210,441.02. Motion carried 3-0.

Motioned by Snyder, seconded by Downs to approve an outdoor track allocation of not to exceed $600,000 using Local Option/Physical Plant and Equipment Funds. Motioned carried 3-0.

Motioned by Snyder, seconded by Wolfensperger to approve the increase of ticket taker pay to $30 per event as presented.  Motion carried 3-0.

Motioned by Wolfensperger, seconded by Downs to approve an exception to long term pay to include shared substitute teacher coverage for one position that would not typically qualify due to sequential days covered not followed. Motion carried 3-0.

Motioned by Downs, seconded by Snyder to approve the Wayfinding Graphics/Touch Pro Graphics presented in the amount of $10,518.  Motion carried 3-0. 

Raider Pride: Board Director Marquart encouraged community members to show their support for our students and attend events at the school.

Next Regular Board meeting is Wednesday, October 18, 2023 @ 6:00 p.m. 

Motion made by Wolfensperger, second by Downs to adjourn at 6:57 pm. Motion carried: 3-0.  

Kirby Marquart, President 

Kelly Zahrt, Board Secretary 

* These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.… Fri, 12/29/2023 - 18:47

2023-10-18 - Regular Meeting

2023-10-18 - Regular Meeting

Dunkerton Community School 

October 18, 2023 

    Board Meeting 5:00 p.m. 

High School Library-Entrance #3



Directors: President Kirby Marquart, Chad Wolfensperger, Andy Snyder, Dan Knebel and Elizabeth Downs. Superintendent Dan Fox, AD/Associate Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal, Patty Foster, Secondary Principal, Hannah Corbin, Board Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Zahrt. 

Also Present: Wyatt Fettkether, Addison Shaner and Karen Van De Walle.

Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart. 

Roll Call.

Public Comment: None.

Motion made by Snyder, second by Downs to approve the agenda; all ayes.

New Business

Motion made by Downs, second by Snyder to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials and Personnel; all ayes.

Community/Program Presentations: FFA Advisor Karen Van De Walle and students Addison Shaner and Wyatt Fettkether presented their plans for the National Convention November 1-2nd in Indianapolis and the fresh fruit upcoming fundraising activity that will delivery in December.

Associate Superintendent Kelchen informed the Board that he would have a track update in the upcoming months.

Principal Corbin discussed October 9th PD with keynote speaker Kim Bearden who engaged the teachers with some rejuvenation and a reminder of their significant, powerful role in the lives of the students we serve. She also informed the Board of one on one meeting will all secondary staff to get a picture of what is taking place in classrooms and what kind of support our staff needs. She discussed a new cell phone policy that will roll out the policy/pocket holders on November 2, after staff PD day.  Staff is gearing up for Conferences to be held October 24 & 26th.

Principal Foster presented to the Board that Preschool-third grade students and staff went to the Dunkerton Fire Station for Fire Safety/prevention week. Collaborative teams spent time digging into the Fall reading assessment data.  Teachers dug into classroom management and spent time developing “look fors” for mentor/mentee observations.  She also indicated that they had their first 7 Mindsets assembly on Friday, October 13th.  Teachers nominated students who exemplified this month’s mindset – Everything is Possible!  Parents of award winners were invited to attend the assembly and they had a great turnout.  She also stated that during the week of Nov 6-10th, each grade level will have the opportunity to invite someone to lunch for our “Lunch with a Loved One.”

Board President Marquart opened one snow removal bid submitted from Best’s Powerhouse.  Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Snyder to approve Best’s Powerhouse with rates as presented; all ayes.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Downs to approve substitute pay rates increase as presented; all ayes.

Motioned by Downs, seconded by Knebel to approve sharing agreements with Waterloo East for Bowling and Soccer, Cedar Falls Schools for Swimming/Diving and Independence for Mock Trial; all ayes.

Motioned by Snyder, seconded by Knebel to approve the cell phone policy change to the student handbook as presented; Marquart – Aye, Knebel – Aye, Snyder – Aye, Downs – Aye, Wolfensperger – Nay; Motion Carried 4-1.

Motioned by Downs, seconded by Snyder to approve the Early Graduation Applications as presented; all ayes.

Raider Pride: Good Luck to the Volleyball Team 2nd Round vs. Starmount and Cross-Country Qualifier at Districts at North Linn, FFA Breakfast went really well and raised a lot of money and the Homecoming Parade went well too.

Next Regular Board meeting is Wednesday November 15th at 6:00 p.m. 

Motion made by Snyder, second by Downs to adjourn at 5:50 pm.; all ayes.




Kirby Marquart, Board President



Kelly Zahrt, Board Secretary

**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.… Fri, 12/29/2023 - 18:45

2023-11-15 - Regular Meeting

2023-11-15 - Regular Meeting

Dunkerton Community School 

November 15, 2023 

    Board Meeting 6:00 p.m. 

High School Library-Entrance #3



Directors: President Kirby Marquart, Chad Wolfensperger, Andy Snyder, Dan Knebel. Absent: Elizabeth Downs. Superintendent Dan Fox, AD/Associate Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal, Patty Foster, Secondary Principal, Hannah Corbin, Board Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Zahrt. 

Also Present Virtual: Lauren Wolfensperger.

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart. 

Roll Call.

Public Comment: None.

Motion made by Knebel, second by Snyder to approve the agenda; all ayes.

New Business

Motion made by Wolfensperger, second by Snyder to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials and Personnel; all ayes.

Community/Program Presentations: None.

Associate Superintendent Kelchen informed the Board that he researched an alternative proposal for the track at a different location that would cost 2.6 million without press box, bleachers and moving the fields.  He suggested, and the Board agreed, choosing the previous plan. Grant opportunities are being researched and followed up on.

Secondary Principal Corbin updated the Board on the Phone Policy implemented.  She indicated it is going better than expected with minimal complaints from students. Teacher feedback has been positive.  She discussed the School Performance Profile. The High School moved up 6 points (56.77), which shifted us from the Acceptable category to Commendable and estimated being in the top 30% of high schools in the state of Iowa.  She shared that Sara McIntosh and RHS worked hard making sure the Veterans Assembly went smoothly.  Big thank you to Anthony Heasley for stepping up at the last minute to play taps at the assembly.  Staff is continuing to work on classroom discipline, structuring of block periods and homeroom lessons. HERO Training coming to close so teachers can start refocusing on social-emotional needs.

Elementary Principal Foster discussed the School Performance Profile. Dunkerton Elementary category rating increased .3% to 60.57 in the Commendable Range with only .03 points away from the High-Performance Category and estimated being in the top 20% of elementary schools in Iowa.  Conference Attendance was very well at 98%. Professional Development consisted of digging into stands and report cards.  She shared that Lunch with a Loved One was a big success.  This was an opportunity for a parent, family member or special guest to come to the school and have lunch and a classroom activity with their student.  They had over 160 guests for this special event. Work is continuing on Portrait of a Graduate.

Motioned by Snyder, seconded by Wolfensperger to move that the Board of Directors of the Dunkerton Community School District approve the application to the School Budget Review Committee in the amount of $2,402.77 for special education administrative costs associated with the River Hills Consortium program for the 2024-2025 school year; all ayes.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Snyder to move that the Board of Directors of the Dunkerton Community School District approve the application to the School Budget Review Committee in the amount of $1,976.61 for special education administrative costs associated with the Lied Center Consortium program for the 2024-2025 school year; all ayes.

Consider New Phone System for 24-25 school year – Tabled to December 2023 Meeting.

Superintendent Fox review the DCAP (District Career and Academic Plan) with the Board.

Motioned by Wofensperger, seconded by Knebel to approve the Return to Learn Plan for ESSER Funds as presented; all ayes.

Superintendent Fox had 1st Reading of policies 216.2 Board of Directors’ Member Development and Training, 401.2 Equal Employment Opportunity, 605.3R1 Reconsideration of Instructional and Library Materials Regulation, 705.1 Purchasing- Bidding, 705.1R2 Using Federal Funds in Procurement Contracts, 804.7R1 Radon Mitigation Regulation.

Motioned by Snyder, seconded by Knebel to approve Early Retirement Policy 407.4 for FY 23-24 as presented; all ayes.

Raider Pride: Director Marquart indicated that he is proud of students, staff and administration for their hard work on testing and our performance data. Principal Corbin said the High School Swing Show went smoothly. Good work.

Next Regular Board meeting is Wednesday, December 13th at 6:00 p.m. 

Motion made by Snyder, second by Wolfensperger to adjourn at 6:28 pm.; all ayes.



Kirby Marquart, Board President



Kelly Zahrt, Board Secretary

**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.… Fri, 12/29/2023 - 18:44

2023-12-20 - Regular Meeting

2023-12-20 - Regular Meeting

Dunkerton Community School 

December 20, 2023 

    Board Meeting 6:00 p.m. 

High School Library-Entrance #3



Directors: President Kirby Marquart, Chad Wolfensperger, Andy Snyder, Dan Knebel. Elizabeth Downs. Superintendent Dan Fox, AD/Associate Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal, Patty Foster, Secondary Principal, Hannah Corbin, Board Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Zahrt Absent.  

Also Present Lyle McIntosh fill in board minutes, board member elect Kim Fettkether

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart. 

Roll Call.

Public Comment: None.

Motion made by Snyder, second by Downs to approve the agenda; All Ayes.

New Business

Motion made by Knebel, second by downs to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials and Personnel; All ayes.

Superintendent Fox asked for approval of 2nd reading of board policy:

  • 216.2 Board of directors’ members Development and Training
  • 401.1 Equal Employment Opportunity
  • 605.3R1 Reconsideration of Instructional and Library Materials Regulations
  • 607.1 Student Guidance and Counseling program
  • 705.1 Purchasing-Bidding
  • 705.1R2 Using Federal Funds in Procurement Contracts
  • 804.7R1 Radon Mitigation Regulation

Motioned by Downs, second by Wolfensperger; All Ayes.

Motioned by Downs, second by Snyder to examine and settle FY2023 Financial report. All Ayes. Superintendent Fox discussed looking into having a separate treasurer to cross check financials in the future.

Motioned by Snyder, second by Knebel to accept official canvas of election results. All Ayes.

President Marquart thanked out going board member Snyder for his service on the board.

Motioned by Wolfensperger Second by Downs to appoint superintendent Fox as President Pro-term All Ayes.

Motioned by Knebel Second by Downs to adjourn retiring board; All Ayes.

Adjourned 6:10 p.m.


Call to order for the annual organizational meeting by President Pro-tem Superintendent Fox: 6:11 pm

Oath of office given to new members Elizabeth downs, Kirby Marquart, and Kim Fettkether All accepted

Nomination of President: Knebel nominated Kirby Marguart no other nominations, All Ayes

Nomination of Vice President: Marquart nominated Dan Knebel no other nominations, All Ayes.

Appointment of Board Secretary/Treasurer tabled to January meeting.

Motioned by Downs, Second by Knebel to appoint Ahlers and Cooney legal counsel. All Ayes.

Motioned by Fettkether, Second by Downs to approve Farmers State Bank Official Depositories with maximum deposit of $6,000.000; All Ayes.

Motioned by Downs, Second by Knevel to approve Waterloo/Cedar Falls Courier official publication, All Ayes.

Motioned by Wolfensperger, Second by Downs to set board meeting date/time 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm. All Ayes.

President Marquart and Vice President Knebel volunteered to be on Negotiations Committee.

Community/Program Presentations: None

Associate Superintendent Kelchen informed the Board that 3 year old preschool rooms would have tiles redone over break. Fereday Heating would be in over break to repair final issues from HVAC project so final walk through can be done. Wolfensperger asked about confidence that Fereday would finish? Mr. Kelchen expressed his confidence in Peters the general contractor, the architects and Maintenance head Mike Timmer to see it was done correctly. Superintendent Fox also asked to be allowed to look into new sound equipment for concerts.

Secondary Principal Corbin updated the Board on resent winter concerts, Mr. Regan was able to instate a good structure to control students not performing this year. She also spoke on the PD were they discussed best usage of time to keep students engage and strategies for block scheduling. She also updated that the phone policy has continued to be successful.

Elementary Principal Foster discussed the resent PD day where they worked on writing strategies with having the same curriculum for 3 years it has allowed them to be very detailed. She also thanks Mr. Smith, Sunshine and Community involvement for all they have done to help the community during Christmas season. They were able to support 13 families during the Holidays

Motioned by Fettkether, Second by Knebel to approve SBRC application for open enrollment out and el instruction beyond 5 years. Amount asked for $54,395 in the form of spending authority. All Ayes.

Motioned by Downs, second by Wolfensperger to approve SBRC application for at-risk/drop out MSA. Amount $68,600. All Ayes.

Motioned by Wolfensperger, second by Knebel to approve Copier Lease $152.90/month. All Ayes

Motioned by Knebel, second by Downs to accept bid option 1 $1644.30/month from Dunkerton Telephone company for Phone System for school year 24-25. All Ayes.

Motioned by Fettkether, second by downs to purchase new teacher laptops through Encompass at a cost of $37,160. All ayes.

Board approved Administration to get quotes for January meeting for converting JR. high gym bleachers to motorized.

Motioned by Downs, second by Fettkether to allow the purchase of floor scrubber up to the cost of $12,750. All ayes.

Raider Pride: *. Superintendent Fox thanked teachers and staff for keeping the school operating during the incidence of flu, COVID and other illness. President Marquart also thanked the staff and administration for a smooth first half of the year. Associate Superintendent Kelchen thanked Mike Timmer and the custodial staff for all that they have done this year and their continued work to resolve the day to day issues with in the school.

Next Regular Board meeting is Wednesday, January 17th at 6:00 p.m.  

Motion made by Downs, second by Wolfensperger to adjourn at 6:47 pm.; all ayes.


Kirby Marquart, Board President


Kelly Zahrt, Board Secretary

**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.… Thu, 02/29/2024 - 15:18

2024-01-17 - Regular Meeting

2024-01-17 - Regular Meeting

Dunkerton Community School 

January 17, 2024

    Board Meeting 6:00 p.m. 

High School Library-Entrance #3



Directors: President Kirby Marquart, Chad Wolfensperger, Dan Knebel, Kim Fettkether and Elizabeth Downs arrived later in meeting. AD/Associate Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal, Patty Foster, Secondary Principal, Hannah Corbin, Board Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Zahrt. 

Also Present: Josh Johnson, Central Rivers AEA

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart. 

ROLL CALL: Fettkether – Aye., Wolfensperger – Aye, Knebel – Aye, Marquart – Aye.


Motion made by Knebel, second by Fettkether to approve the Agenda; all ayes.

Motion made by Wolfensperger, second by Knebel to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials and Personnel; all ayes.


  • Josh Johnson, Central Rivers AEA, presented to the Board Legislative possible changes and the ramifications of cutting services such as Ed Services, Media, Technology, Fee for Service and Property.


  • Kelchen presented that he met a group of community members regarding starting a youth wrestling club. He also informed the Board that they are planning to use two additional make up days at the end of the year for weather cancellations.  They will be looking into potential virtual options if needed for any additional weather make up days. He presented a legislative bill that could affect school districts with a proposal to raise all teachers to a minimum of $50,000 and all teachers with 12+ experience to earn $62,000 year and a proposal to cut AEA services including educational services and Media services.  He indicated that he will be following this bill closely in the upcoming day and/or weeks.
  • Principal Corbin presented that Mrs. Abels reviewed teachers’ Individual Professional Development Plans (IPDPs). She also reviewed school safety plan and HERO training, reviewing school data and our “Big Rocks”. She indicated that she and Mrs. Abels met with every secondary student and reviewed scores and created goals for this year.
  • Principal Foster indicate that teachers are currently administering FAST assessments and Benchmark reading assessments. Mark your calendars for Feb 1st @ 6 p.m. for our PK-2nd Winter Concert.

Kelchen set public hearing date for proposed property tax levy for April 3rd at 6 p.m.

Kelchen set public hearing date for proposed budget for April 17th at 6 p.m.

Kelchen set public hearing date for 2024-2045 school calendar for March 19th at 6 p.m.

Board Policy Review 1st Reading of

  • 605.6 & 605.6R1 – Internet Appropriate Use
  • 605.8 & 6058R1 – Artificial Intelligence in the Education Environment
  • 701.1 Depository of Funds
  • 701.2 Transfer of Funds
  • 701.3 Financial Records
  • 701.4 Governmental Accounting Practices & Regulations
  • 703.1 Budget Planning
  • 703.2 Spending Plan (Rescinded)
  • 713 & 713R1 – Responsible Technology Use & Social Networking

Motioned by Wolfensperger, seconded by Knebel to approve the quotes from G & R Construction, Best Powerhouse and Sommerfelt Flooring for ceiling tiles, electrical and flooring replacement in the Elementary Hallway using PPEL/SAVE dollars in the amount of $53,950.88 as presented; all ayes.

Motioned by Fettkether, seconded Downs to approve Motorizing Junior High Bleachers using PPEL/SAVE dollars up to $23,477 as presented; all ayes.


Shout out to Mike Timmer, Building and Grounds Director and new School Nurse Abagail Bumstead for doing a great job and a big thank you to John Steffen, Transportation Director for his hard work his first year taking on a new role and going above and beyond with driving gravel rounds before school to see if buses can make it out during bad weather.

Next Regular Board meeting is Wednesday, February 21st at 6:00 p.m. 

Motion made by Wolfensperger, second by Downs to adjourn at 7:15 pm.; all ayes.



Kirby Marquart, Board President



Kelly Zahrt, Board Secretary

**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.… Thu, 02/29/2024 - 15:20

2024-02-19 - Regular Meeting

2024-02-19 - Regular Meeting

Dunkerton Community School 

February 19, 2024

    Board Meeting 6:00 p.m. 

High School Library-Entrance #3



Directors: President Kirby Marquart, Chad Wolfensperger, Dan Knebel, Kim Fettkether and Elizabeth Downs. AD/Associate Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal, Patty Foster, Secondary Principal, Hannah Corbin, Board Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Zahrt. 

Also Present Virtually: Jill Wurzer

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart. 

ROLL CALL: Fettkether – Aye., Wolfensperger – Aye, Knebel – Aye, Marquart – Aye, Downs – Aye.


Motion made by Wolfensperger, second by Fettkether to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials and Personnel; all ayes.



  • Kelchen presented that he has been closely following the legislative activity lately. He discussed the budget for 24-25 and informed the Board of the DOT visit Thursday, Feb 29th to discuss ways to make the crossings in front of the school safer for the kids.  He indicated that negotiations are getting underway for 24-25 school year.
  • Principal Corbin presented that she reviewed virtual learning day options, if that situation were to arise.  She indicated that she has had focusing on attendance – she received some great information from the Black Hawk County Attorney’s Office.  Food Production began coffee cart sales, FCCLA Week had a lot of fun activities, Girls Basketball had a great season, Chess Club is growing and Mr. Cusick will be visiting to recruit for CAPs.  She will be planning for ISASP testing and meeting with every secondary student to review scores and set goals and she will be scheduling for next year students and Raider Honor Society inductions are in March.
  • Principal Foster indicate that all teachers have completed winter assessments and have met to discuss data, plan for instruction and interventions. PK-5th grade teachers will go through LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) training over the next two years.  They will utilize PD days as well as weekly Collaborative Team Time (PLC’s) to complete 80 hours learning time. She indicated that ISASP testing will be in March PD, Special Education and classroom teachers will begin discussions about individual student accommodations for testing window. Our 6th Annual Celebrate our Para’s Lunch on Monday February 19th was a success. She indicated that we have amazing paraprofessionals and this is a small way to let them know how much we appreciate them. The Community Involvement Committee is hosting annual Literacy Night on April 12th from 5-7. Families will have the opportunity to come and explore grade level literacy activities.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Fettkether to approve the Resolution Authorizing the Redemption of General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2019, Dated March 13, 2019, approving a Fourth Amendment to Escrow Agent Agreement, and Levying a Tax for Fiscal Year 2025 for the Redemption of General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2019, Dated March 13, 2019; all ayes. Motion Carried.

Consider Purchase of Classroom Blinds – tabled until March Meeting to obtain additional bids.

Motioned by Fettkether, seconded by Downs to approve Bebee’s Sports Floors lowest bid for Gym Floor Refinishing in the amount of $9,680 using LOST funds; all ayes.

Motioned by Downs, seconded by Wolfensperger to approve presented additions to Secondary Staff Lounge including cabinets and sink from local Cedar Valley Building Supply; all ayes.

Motioned by Wolfensperger, seconded by Knebel to approve the purchase of Glycol for Water Loop in Junior High/High School; all ayes.

Motioned by Wolfensperger, seconded by Fettkether to approve the purchase of walling for the Nurse’s office as presented; all ayes.

Motioned by Downs, seconded by Wolfensperger to approve the updated quote for Elementary Hall Flooring in the amount of $29,530.50 using LOST funds; all ayes.

Motioned by Wolfensperger, seconded by Fettkether to approve the water heater purchase from Modus in the amount of $6,400 using LOST funds; all ayes.

Motioned by Downs, seconded by Wolfensperger to approve the Red Carpet Golf Agreement for 2024 Season in the amount of $1,000; all ayes.

Motioned by Fettkether, seconded by Downs to approve the XELLO software two-year purchase in the amount of $8,300 using PPEL Funds; all ayes.

Motioned by Downs, seconded by Knebel to approve Drivers Education instructor, Craig Harrison; all ayes.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Fettkether to approve the 2nd Reading of below Board Policies; all ayes.

  • 605.6 & 605.6R1 – Internet Appropriate Use
  • 605.8 & 6058R1 – Artificial Intelligence in the Education Environment
  • 701.1 Depository of Funds
  • 701.2 Transfer of Funds
  • 701.3 Financial Records
  • 701.4 Governmental Accounting Practices & Regulations
  • 703.1 Budget Planning
  • 703.2 Spending Plan (Rescinded)
  • 713 & 713R1 – Responsible Technology Use & Social Networking


President Marquart wanted to thank Mike Timmer and the custodians for making Dunkerton’s facility look so good and Officer Fettkether indicated that she spoke to a staff member that spoke highly of administrators Kory Kelchen, Patty Foster and Hannah Corbin. Assistant Superintendent Kelchen congratulated both basketball teams on a great season.

The next Board Meeting will be March 19th at 6 p.m.

Motion made by Fettkether, second by Wolfensperger to adjourn at 6:50 pm.; all ayes.… Thu, 02/29/2024 - 15:21

2024-03-19 - Regular Meeting

2024-03-19 - Regular Meeting

  Dunkerton Community School 

March 20, 2024

    Board Meeting 6:00 p.m. 

High School Library-Entrance #3



Directors: President Kirby Marquart, Chad Wolfensperger, Dan Knebel, Kim Fettkether and Elizabeth Downs was absent. Superintendent Dan Fox, AD/Associate Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal, Patty Foster, Board Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Zahrt.  

Also Present: Jill Wurzer

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart. 

ROLL CALL: Fettkether – Aye., Wolfensperger – Aye, Knebel – Aye, Marquart – Aye, Downs – Absent.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Wolfensperger to go into Public Hearing for 2024-2025 School Calendar; all ayes.

No Comments.

Motioned by Wolfensperger, seconded by Fettkether to approve coming out of Public Hearing; all ayes.


Motion made by Knebel, second by Fettkether to approve the Consent Agenda with the addition of Jada Spooner, Band Teacher including Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials and Personnel; all ayes.

COMMUNITY/PROGRAM PRESENTATIONS: Kory Kelchen presented a Portrait of a Graduate update with a graphic created by Bella Berinobis that was really impressive.  Jill Wurzer informed the Board that they are working on competency grade bands to make it meaningful to staff and students.  Kelchen thanked the team for all their time put into it. 


  • Kelchen presented an up to date spreadsheet on sharing positions for FY 24-25.  He continues to follow legislative activity closely and how it could affect the district. He discussed the budget for 24-25 and indicated that residents will receive a Proposed Property Tax Statement from Black Hawk County with a tax rate that is the maximum rate and consistent with last year’s rate. He indicated that negotiations are getting underway for 24-25 school year.

  • Kelchen presented the MS/HS Update in leu of Principal Corbin.  He covered March events including that conferences went well, FCCLA State Leadership Conference, CAPS Project-Mental Health and Wellness Room, Lauren Wolfensperger – Mock Trial results, HS Track is in full swing and two students participated in soccer with East.

  • Principal Foster discussed partnering with Glidden-Ralston and Ballard School District for LETRS Training.  She presented March Professional Development of ISASP Test Security Training to appropriate staff, TLC Team Meetings, Learning Group Meeting with book studies.  She indicated that Camp Read S’more Literacy Night was a huge success with over 100 people participating and Michelle Wheeler from the Dunkerton Public Library shared exciting summer activities with the group.  Foster gave a big thank to the Community Involvement Committee and all the teachers who provided fun literacy activities for our families.

  • Kelchen presented a facilities update including details of his meeting with the DOT and discussed ways to make the crossings in front of the school safer for the kids.  He discussed the Track Fundraiser and thanked everyone for coming out and donating.

Motioned by Fettkether, seconded by Wolfensperger to approve the 2024-2025 School Calendar as presented; all ayes.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Fettkether to approve the purchase of student Chromebooks in the amount of $33,000 using REAP funds; all ayes.

Motioned by Fettkether, seconded by Knebel to approve the purchase of additional Edgenuity licenses from Imagine Learning for Science courses in the amount of $6,419.20; all ayes.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Wolfensperger to approve the Local Government Risk Pool Agreement in the amount of $57,230.30 using Management Funds; all ayes.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Fettkether to approve the purchase of window blinds from Kirk Gross for all preschool and south facing classrooms; all ayes.

Motioned by Fettkether, seconded by Wolfensperger to approve the purchase of a nurse’s office wall from Kirk Gross as presented; all ayes.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Wolfensperger to approve the purchase of two mini splits for the Fitness Center from Bergen Plumbing Heating Cooling Inc. for $15,518.53 using Fitness Center funds; all ayes.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Fettkether to approve the first reading of the following policies; all ayes. 

  • 501.1 – 501.16 - Student Attendance

  • 503.8 – 503.8R1 -Threats of Violence


Kelchen shared that Dunkerton had 12 Gold Star Nominations this year which is a credit to our staff. Director Knebel commented that at the Track Meet, Henry Peterson set a record and the girls doing great too. He also mentioned that he was recently in Rachel Hauptly’s class and the kids behaved so well.  President Marquart complimented the basketball banquet for their good food and conversations and the facilities continue to impress and hats off to Principal Foster and staff for the Literacy Night and having a great turnout.  Director Fettkether said nice job to everyone involved at the concert she attended.

 The next meeting will be:

  • Proposed Property Tax Hearing April 3rd at 6 p.m. 

  • Budget Hearing April 17th at 6 p.m. 

Motion made by Wolfensperger, second by Fettkether to adjourn at 7:30 pm.; all ayes.



Kirby Marquart, Board President



Kelly Zahrt, Board Secretary

**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.


dfox@dunkerton… Tue, 04/23/2024 - 17:21

2024-04-03 - Special Meeting

2024-04-03 - Special Meeting

  Dunkerton Community School 

April 3, 2024

    Special Board Meeting 6:00 p.m. 

High School Library-Entrance #3


Proposed Property Tax Hearing

Directors: President Kirby Marquart, Chad Wolfensperger, Dan Knebel, Kim Fettkether and Elizabeth Downs. Superintendent Dan Fox, AD/Associate Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Board Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Zahrt.  

Also Present: Charles Eldridge

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart. 

ROLL CALL: Fettkether – Aye., Wolfensperger – Aye, Knebel – Aye, Marquart – Aye, Downs – Aye.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Downs to approve the Agenda; all ayes.

Motioned by Wolfensperger, seconded by Fettkether to go into Proposed Property Tax Hearing; all ayes.

No Public Comments.

Motioned by Wolfensperger, seconded by Downs to close Property Tax Hearing; all ayes.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Fettkether to adjourn; all ayes.


Special Board Meeting

Directors: President Kirby Marquart, Chad Wolfensperger, Dan Knebel, Kim Fettkether and Elizabeth Downs. Superintendent Dan Fox, AD/Associate Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Board Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Zahrt.  

Meeting was called to order by President Kirby Marquart. 

Motioned by Downs, seconded by Fettkether to approve the Agenda; all ayes.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Downs to deny the open enrollment application presented; all ayes.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Downs to approve the presented personnel changes; Knebel-Aye, Downs-Aye, Wolfensperger-Aye, Marquart and Fettkether-Abstain. Motion Carried.

Motioned by Fettkether, seconded by Wolfensperger to approve May 23rd as the last day of school for 2023-2024; all ayes.

Associate Superintendent Kelchen discussed the school year 2025 Budget and asked for Board input on the tax rate.

Motioned by Downs, seconded by Wolfensperger to go into closed session for an Exempt Session for Bargaining Strategy and Negotiations Sessions for Union Employees and Strategy Session for Non-Union Employees. Directors will enter into an exempt session as provided for in Chapter 20.17(3) Code of Iowa for negotiating sessions, strategy meetings of public employers or employee organizations, mediations and the deliberative process of arbitrators and shall be exempt from the provisions of Chapter 21.  There will be no action or voting taking place; all ayes.

Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Fettkether to come out of Closed Session; all ayes.

Motioned by Downs, seconded by Fettkether to adjourn at 7:00 p.m.; all ayes.


dfox@dunkerton… Tue, 04/23/2024 - 17:24

2024-04-23 - Regular Meeting

2024-04-23 - Regular Meeting

Dunkerton Community School 
April 23, 2024
Special Board Meeting 6:00 p.m. 
High School Library-Entrance #3

Budget Hearing
Directors: President Kirby Marquart, Chad Wolfensperger, Dan Knebel and Kim Fettkether. Absent:
Elizabeth Downs. Superintendent Dan Fox, AD/Associate Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Middle
School/High School Principal Hannah Corbin and Board Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Zahrt.
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart. 
ROLL CALL: Fettkether – Aye., Wolfensperger – Aye, Knebel – Aye, Marquart – Aye, Downs – Absent.
Motioned by Fettkether, seconded by Knebel to approve going into the Budget Hearing FY 2024-2025
and Budget Amendment Hearing FY 2023-2024; all ayes.
Public Comment: None.
Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Fettkether to come out of Budget Hearing; all ayes.
Regular Board Meeting
Directors: President Kirby Marquart, Chad Wolfensperger, Dan Knebel and Kim Fettkether. Absent:
Elizabeth Downs. Superintendent Dan Fox, AD/Associate Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Middle
School/High School Principal Hannah Corbin and Board Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Zahrt.
Meeting was called to order by President Kirby Marquart. 
Motioned by Fettkether, seconded by Knebel to approve the Agenda; all ayes.
Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Fettkether to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of minutes,
personnel changes, bill listing and financials; all ayes.
Community/Program Presentations – None.
Superintendent Dan Fox demonstrated a new feature on the school website under School Board
Information that has Agendas, Minutes and Board Member information. The Board thanked him.
Associate Superintendent Kory Kelchen discussed retaining an Athletic Trainer year-round through
Hawkeye Community College. He indicated that he would bring more information to the next meeting.
The Board was very supportive of this idea.
Principal Corbin updated the Board that ISASP testing was completed last week. She indicated that the
large majority of 10 th graders will be utilizing the Waterloo Career Center next year and 8 th graders will be
having Freshman Orientation on Wednesday April 24 th . Prom was a success and everyone looked great.
It will be busy next month with the Play this weekend, Fine Arts Night May 7th, Service Day May 8th,
Senior Awards Night on May 8 th , JH Talent Show May 14 th and Graduation on May 19 th .
Principal Foster was absent, but the Board reviewed her report with LETRS training for Administration,
ISASP testing on April 19 th and they have completed tested 100% of students. Third graders spent last
week learning at all the different museums and learning spaces in Waterloo. Fifth graders attended Camp
EWALU on April 19 th . She indicated that they had a great time despite the cold weather. The Community
Involvement Committee is organizing Lunch on the Lawn. Families can bring their lunch or purchase a
sack lunch from the kitchen. End of the year assessments will begin with end of year Benchmark and
FAST assessments. Elementary has a busy end of the year also with 7 Mindsets Assembly April 29,
Elementary Spring Concert (3-5) May 2 nd , ISU Extension Safety Day (K-5) May 10 th , 7 Mindsets Assembly
May 14, Lunch on the Lawn May 17 th , PreK Graduation (4yo) May 21 st and Last student day breakfast and
staff lunch May 23 rd .
Associate Superintendent Kelchen indicated that he still hasn’t heard a date that the meter pit will be
installed and the Board indicated that if we haven’t heard by next meeting we will have to rebid it.
Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Wolfensperger to approve the resolution that the Board of Directors of
Dunkerton Community School District, will levy property taxes for fiscal year 2024-2025 for the regular
program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa; all ayes.
Motioned by Fettkether, seconded by Wolfensperger to approve the 2024-2025 Budget with tax rate of
$15.10; all ayes.
Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Wolfensperger to approve the 2023-2024 Budget Amendment as
presented; all ayes.

Motioned by Wolfensperger, seconded by Fettkether to approve the School Lunch/Breakfast Program for
the 2024-2025 school year; all ayes.
Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Fettkether to approve the Fees for 2024-2025 school year as
presented; all ayes.
Motioned by Fettkether, seconded by Knebel to approve the 2024-2027 Master Contract as presented; all
Motioned by Fettkether, seconded by Knebel to approve the salaries for 2024-2025 school year as
presented; all ayes.
Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Wolfensperger to approve AEA Services for 2024-2025 school year; all
Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Fettkether to approve the 2 nd reading of 501.1-501.16 Student
Attendance and 503.8-503.8R1 Threats of Violence; all ayes.
Raider Pride – Director Marquart wished the Play participants good luck. Director Knebel acknowledged
the hard work of the JH Girls and Boys Track teams going to the Drake Relays. Associate
Superintendent Kelchen thanked all the people and businesses donating to the Track Fundraiser and
indicated the total is over $800,000.
Motioned by Knebel, seconded by Fettkether to adjourn at 7:10 p.m.; all ayes.

kkelchen@dunke… Thu, 04/25/2024 - 12:41

2024-05-16 - Regular Meeting

2024-05-16 - Regular Meeting


 Dunkerton Community School 

May 15, 2024

    Board Meeting 6:00 p.m. 

High School Library-Entrance #3



Directors: President Kirby Marquart, Chad Wolfensperger, Dan Knebel. Elizabeth Downs, Absent Kim Fettkether Superintendent Dan Fox, AD/Associate Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal, Patty Foster, Secondary Principal, Hannah Corbin, Board Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Zahrt Absent.  

Also Present Lyle McIntosh fill in board minutes

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart. 

Roll Call.

Public Comment: None.

Motion made by Knebel, 2nd by Downs to approve the agenda; all ayes.

New Business:

Motion made by Knebel, 2nd by downs to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of April 23, 2024 board Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials and Personnel; all ayes

Superintendent Fox, And Associate Superintendent Kelchen had two personnel updates: Mr. Dan Hensing resignation, Summer school teachers’ total needed contingent on student numbers.

Community/Program presentations: None

Administrative updates and reports:

Associate Superintendent Kelchen discussed the upcoming staff lunch at noon Thursday the 23rd, Graduation prep walk through completed on the 15th, Graduation to be streamed through the NFHS network system in the gym will be free as it is a non-sports event. All board members will be on stage for Graduation except Marquart who will be out of town.

Secondary Principal Corbin discussed the success of ISASP, secondary grades advanced rating increase from 69.9 to 74.8. Lots of celebrations and recognitions are being done among the different grade levels to show appreciation for efforts. Spring concerts and plays were a success, JR dance well attended, lots of fun had, seniors last day on the 15th, Spring sports winding down summer sports up and running, State track sent off Thursday the 16th for the entire school to send athletes off to Des Moines.

Elementary Principal Foster gave recognition to Mrs. Tisue who won the tools for schools grant. KWWL was in this week to recognize her on the news. She will use the grant to help send students home with tools to continue reading through the summer. Thanked PTO for bringing in Tin Cup Coffee bus for the teachers and the staff, Discussed PTO paying for wood chips for the playground, will come in once school is done and Maintenance supervisor Mike Timmer will work with them to get them where needed. 

Superintendent Fox made a facilities update suggesting looking into a sound system for fine arts concerts and plays, current one is in need of an update or to be integrated into the gym system to make it easier for the audience to hear and have better quality sound.


  1. Graduation list for 2024 graduates approved Motioned by Downs 2nd Knebel all Ayes

  2. Sharing agreement with East Buchanan for Superintendent: Motioned by Down Second Knebel all Ayes

  3. Sharing agreement with AEA for work based coordinator: Wolfensperger discussed actual millage rate charged not stated in agreement, was tabled to next meeting until hard numbers can be looked into.

  4. Sharing agreement with City of Dunkerton for SRO: Motioned by Knebel 2nd by Downs all Ayes

  5. Sharing agreement with Wapsie Valley community School for School Counselor: Motioned by Knebel 2nd by Downs all Ayes

  6. Sharing agreement with Denver community schools for TAG teacher: Motioned by Knebel 2nd Downs all Ayes

  7. Software Unlimited accounting software renewal: discussed how long we have used and the newest portion K12 docs. Motioned by Downs 2nd Wolfensperger all Ayes

  8. Approve bid for purchase of new kitchen serving line: Associate superintendent Kelchen discussed the need to upgrade serving line suggested by auditors, low bid Wilson $43,715 for equipment and around an additional $1600 electrical, serving line paid from nutrition fund: Motioned by Downs 2nd by Wolfensperger all Ayes

  9. Approval in change in 24-25 registration fee/admission cost: Associate superintendent Kelchen asked for an additional $20 added to registration fees, approving the $7 admission cost for adults and $6 admission cost for students for the 24-25 school year, and allowing all Dunkerton students to get into all home events for free: Motioned By Downs 2nd Knebel all Ayes

  10. 24-24 Bound packages: Bound is the current service used for ticketing and reporting statistics to the state associations,  Associate Superintendent discussed the 3 options it was decided to stay with current package at a cost of $500 that still allows for cash at the door: Motioned by Downs 2nd Knebel all Ayes, Wolfensperger Absent

  11. Consider next step in track project, approve the payment of the initial $60,000 to finalize plans to be able send out for bids with hope of break ground as soon as after football season: Motioned by Knebel 2nd Downs all Ayes, Wolfensperger Absent

Raider Pride

Principals Foster and Corbin Discussed the Safety day. Highly successful lots of students were involved, whether elementary participating or high school students helping teach.


Motioned by Downs 2nd Knebel all Ayes, Wolfensperger Absent. 6:51 pm



Kirby Marquart, Board President



Kelly Zahrt, Board Secretary

**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.

kkelchen@dunke… Thu, 05/16/2024 - 11:05

2024-06-19 - Regular Meeting

2024-06-19 - Regular Meeting

Dunkerton Community School 

June 19, 2024

Regular Board Meeting 6:00 p.m. 

High School Library-Entrance #3


Directors: President Kirby Marquart, Chad Wolfensperger, Kim Fettkether and Elizabeth Downs. Dan Knebel – Virtual.  Superintendent Dan Fox, Middle School/High School Principal Hannah Corbin and Board Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Zahrt.  

Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart. 

Roll Call: Fettkether – Aye., Wolfensperger – Aye, Knebel – Aye, Marquart – Aye, Downs – Aye.

Motioned by Fettkether, seconded by Downs to approve the Agenda with the addition of hire of Susan Shinstine, Preschool Para; all ayes.

Public Comment: None.

Motioned by Downs, seconded by Fettkether to approve Consent Agenda; all ayes.

Community/Program Presentations – None.

Administrative Updates & Reports

  1. Superintendent Fox informed the Board that they completed the application for the Black Hawk Gaming Grant for $95,000 and should hear in 6-8 weeks if they were awarded this grant.

  2. High School Principal Corbin indicated that she has been doing XELLO training over the past months with Jon Steffen.  MOC will have 5 students in the fall.  Summer activities include basketball camp, strength and conditioning and wresting camp.

  3. Elementary Principal Foster discussed Jumpstart Reading Program begins June 17-27 with 18 students enrolled in first session and 30 in the second August 5-15.  Elementary TLC team had a retreat for end of reflection and planning for next year and Principal Foster completed LETRS training for Administrators with Lexia.

  4. Superintendent Fox gave a facility update that the custodians have been very busy this summer and are ahead of schedule.


  1. Motioned by Fettkether, seconded by Downs to deny Open Enrollment Applications for two students due to being unable to serve their special education needs; all ayes.

  2. Motioned by Wolfensperger, seconded by Downs to approve the sharing agreement for Work Based Learning Coordinator/CRAEA; all ayes.

  3. Motioned by Downs, seconded by Fettkether to approve Miller Mechanical water heater bid of $44,788; all ayes.

  4. Motioned by Downs, seconded by Fettkether to approve the renewal of Infinite Campus software in the amount of $8,327; all ayes.

  5. Motioned by Fettkether, seconded by Wolfensperger to approve the copier lease from Gordan Flesch Company for $165 a month; all ayes.

  6. 24-25 Insurance Wind/Hail Deductible Buy Down: tabled for administration to get more information.

  7. Motioned by Wolfensperger, seconded by Downs to approve A-Line Striping & Sweeping in the amount of $1,900.30 and Jones Bros Asphalt for crack and seal repair in the amount of $5,200; all ayes.

  8. Motioned by Downs, seconded by Wolfensperger to approve the sealed bid from Behrens for $250 for Old Mini-Splits; all ayes.

  9. Motioned by Wolfensperger, seconded by Fettkether to approve the LGRP Amendments as presented; all ayes.

  10. Motioned by Downs, seconded by Fettkether to approve the Outdoor Wellness Complex Resolution; all ayes.

  11. Motioned by Downs, seconded by Wolfensperger to approve the milk bid from AE Dairy for 2024-2025 school year; all ayes.

  12. Motioned by Wolfensperger, seconded by Downs to approve the bread bid from Bimbo Bakeries USA for 2024-2025; all ayes.

Raider Pride: President Marquart thanked Administration for their work this past year.  

Adjourn: Motioned by Wolfensperger, seconded by Fettkether to adjourn at 6:28 p.m.; all ayes.

kkelchen@dunke… Mon, 06/24/2024 - 07:39




Click the links below to find the school board meeting minutes.



Jen@iowaschool… Fri, 05/31/2024 - 14:25

February 19, 2025 Board Meeting Minutes

February 19, 2025 Board Meeting Minutes

Dunkerton Community School

February 19, 2025

Board Meeting 5:30 p.m.

High School Library



Directors: Present: President Kirby Marquart, Kim Fettkether, Dan Knebel, Chad Wolfensperger

Online: Elizabeth downs

Administration: Present: Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal Patty Foster, Secondary Principal Hannah Corbin.

Absent: None

Board Secretary: Present Lyle McIntosh


In Person: Jill Wurzer

Online: Sara McIntosh, Natalie Crawford, Steph Abels


Meeting Called to Order At 5:30 p.m.


Public Comment: None.

Moved by Fettkether, 2nd by Downs to approve the agenda; all ayes.


New Business:

Moved by Knebel, 2nd by Downs to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of January, 2025 board Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials, open enrollment and Personnel changes: all ayes

Community/Program presentations: None

Administrative updates and reports:

Superintendent Kelchen- track project is starting to bill out for work done before weather change, supplies are still showing up for work to continue when weather changes. Spent 2 days working on budget in Ankeny. Showed numbers and different options that the board can use going forward to keep rate steady and not have hikes in tax rate.

JH/HS Hannah Corbin- For February PD, staff spent most of the morning working through behavior scenarios using CPI strategies. While it wasn’t an official CPI training, We focused on a lot of their de-escalation techniques and the challenges we face in the classroom. We talked about how easy it is to match a student’s escalating energy, how important it is to stay neutral and not take things personally. And how we can move forward after handling tough situations. Staff had a lot of input, sharing what they’ve tried and what has worked and what has not. Mr. Steffen led much of this discussion and allowed to see his expertise in this area and the critical role he plays in supporting both student and teacher. Mrs. Corbin and Mr. Steffen have begun building the 2025-26 master schedule once finalized students will be pulled and schedules updated in their XELLO profile. Middle school is working through XELLO lessons in homeroom. Mrs. Abels and Mrs. Corbin will be pulling students to have one on one conversations about individual ISASP scores. This has worked well in the past helping students understand where they have progress and where they can grow. Last year’s scores will be sent home to parents as well to allow for conversation before testing in April. FCCLA had their FCCLA week lots of curve balls with the weather but very successful and enjoyable.

.Elementary Patty Foster- All teachers have completed their winter assessments. Staff meant to discuss the interventions and personalized reading plans. Per House File 2618 any student who scores below benchmark on FAST requires a Personalized Plan. These plans will be linked to the parent letter the goes home this month. Thank you to Mrs. Wurzer for her extra work on this. Teachers have begun their last unit of LETRS. They are implementing what they are learning and our Building Leadership Team is beginning the process of planning for next year. Yearly training for ISASP testing will begin in March during PD. All Special Education and Classroom teachers will discuss the individual student accommodations for our testing window. All 3rd-5th student will take Assessments April 15th-23rd. Make ups will be the following week. We held our celebrating Para’s lunch. Classes wrote notes and thanks them for their help and support of Students and staff. We have great Para’s and this is a small way to say thank you, our Literacy Night on march 20th from 5-7 will be hosted by the Community Involvement Committee and feature author Charlotte Gunnufson. She will be in the classrooms that afternoon then families will be able to come eat and explore the different grade levels literacy activities that evening.


  1. Parking lot discussion: Discussion on whether to move forward or not. President Marquart voiced concern over having track project not completed if the district hits overages with completion of that project. All directors voiced the realization that there may be a price hike if project is moved out into the coming school years. Mr. Kelchen will look into a few more things, See if we can get architecture fees reduced and board will revisit next month.
  2. Consider Purchase of Carpet for Old Elementary Areas: Moved by Fettkether 2nd by Wolfensperger to except low bid of $16,817 from Riley’s Floors. All Ayes
  3. Consider purchase of new Washer: Moved by Wolfensperger 2nd by Knebel to accept low bid of $6847.50 from Century Landry Distributing. All Ayes
  4. Consider Gym Floor Refinishing: Moved by Knebel 2nd by Fettkether to accept low bid of $5532 from Cap San. All Ayes
  5. Consider Surplus Levy Resolution: Moved by Wolfensperger 2nd by Fettkether to accept as presented. All Ayes
  6. Consider Hawkere CC Field Experience Contract: Moved by Fettkether 2nd by Wolfensperger. All Ayes
  7. Calendar Discussion: preliminary 4 day hybrid calendar was presented. Survey results were shared, 199 parents replied and results favor going to a 4 day schedule as 74.6% strongly agree, agree, or were neutral. 25.4% strongly disagree or disagree. Director Fettkether shared her concern with day care for younger students and multi job families. Mr. Kelchen will share the proposed Calendar for families to see along with a FAQ sheet to answer questions and concerns from the survey. Decision will be then made.
  8. 2nd reading of board polices 401, 402, 403,and 404: moved by Knebel 2nd by Fettkether to accept as presented: All ayes
  9. Consider Red Carpet High school Golf Agreement: moved by Wolfensperger 2nd by Downs. All ayes

Raider Pride: President Marquart wanted to thank the district’s Maintenance and janitorial staff on the up keep and cleanliness of the facilities through the busy months of basketball.  Shot out to both basketball teams as they are both in the midst of a deep post season run. Thank you to Mrs. Corbin and Rathe for their years of service to the school district.


Moved by Wolfensperger 2nd By Knebel to Adjourn At 6:45 p.m. All Ayes


Kirby Marquart, Board President



Lyle McIntosh, Board Secretary

**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.


kkelchen@dunke… Mon, 02/24/2025 - 12:52

January 15, 2025 Board Meeting Minutes

January 15, 2025 Board Meeting Minutes

Dunkerton Community School

January 15, 2025

Board Meeting 5:30 p.m.

High School Library



Directors: Present: President Kirby Marquart, Kim Fettkether, Dan Knebel

Online: Elizabeth Downs

Absent: Chad Wolfensperger 

Administration: Present: Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal Patty Foster, Secondary Principal Hannah Corbin.

Absent: None

Board Secretary: Present Lyle McIntosh

Guest: None in person

Online: Sara McIntosh


Annual Organizational Board Meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Board Secretary Lyle McIntosh. 

Roll Call.


Appoint Board President: Kirby Marquart . Moved by Fettkether 2nd by Downs All Ayes 

Sworn in By Board Secretary McIntosh

Appoint Vice President: Dan Knebel. Moved by Fettkether 2nd by Downs All Ayes

Sworn in By Board President Marquart

Swear in Board Secretary: Approved in December Board Secretary McIntosh was sworn in by Board President Marquart


Public Comment: None.

Moved by Knebel, 2nd by Fettkether to approve the agenda; all ayes.


New Business:

Moved by Fettkether, 2nd by Downs to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of November, 2024 board Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials, open enrollment and Personnel; all ayes

Community/Program presentations: None

Administrative updates and reports:

Superintendent Kelchen- Camera projects close to completion should happen this month. Fencing project also mostly complete. Discussed 4 day school week. Mr. Kelchen will be getting a survey out to staff and community to get a feel for support and concerns that can be looked into.  

JH/HS Hannah Corbin- PD was Continuation of December with focused sets in Portrait of a Graduate, MTSS, and reassessments.  Good discussions among staff from these sessions, they have been tasked with demonstrating how they’ve applied their learning in collaboration with their teams by the February PD. This will allow Staff to reflect on the impact and effectiveness of the strategies introduced. Staff who were signed up finished CPI training. We have transitioned into the second semester staff is finalizing first semester grades and readjusting student schedules. Waterloo Career Center students wrap up their first semester the week of the 13th-17th. Jr. High girls Basketball wrapped up this week. TAG and Chess club Students competed in a chess tournament in Denver. Five students have enrolled in the work experience this semester exploring fields such as agriculture, Finance/Accounting, Business and Electrical work. Planning a head for ISASPs, the 2025-2026 master schedule and upcoming events like Prom, graduation, Senior Awards night, and 8th Grad orientation. Prom and Graduation dates are set. Senior Awards and 8th grade orientation dates to be finalized soon

Elementary Patty Foster- Teaches are currently administering FAST assessments and Benchmark reading assessments. Looking forward to seeing student growth. Next round of student solutions and observations is scheduled for January 13th. Madison Click has started this semester as the new guidance counselor and has hit the ground running providing instruction, meeting with students and getting involved with school activities. Elementary classes will be making cards for Ledger over the next week or so to let him know we are all think about him.


  1. Parking lot discussion: tabling until next month 

  2. 1st reading of Board Policies

    1. 401-Employees and Internal Relations

    2. 402- Employees and Outside relations

    3. 403- Employee health and Well Being

    4. 404- Employee Conduct and Appearance

  3. Moved by Fettkether 2nd by Downs to approve 407.4 Early retirement Open application for 1 month (1/15-2/15) with the Dollar amount of $85,000 paid out of Management if taken. All ayes

  4. Moved by Knebel 2nd by Fettkether to approve the purchase of chrome books. All Ayes

  5. Moved by Knebel 2nd By Downs to approve the purchase of vape detectors 

Raider Pride: President Marquart commented on the positive attitude of the community toward the school, how pleased he was that the fence project looked good and the district was able to use a local business and have it be successful. Administration and board members were all excited to see the pep band back at the basketball game. Administration commented on the success of the holiday party for staff and the great environment enjoyed by all. 


Moved by Fettkether 2nd By Downs to Adjourn At 6:16 p.m. All Ayes



Kirby Marquart, Board President



Lyle McIntosh, Board Secretary

**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.


kkelchen@dunke… Thu, 01/23/2025 - 15:16

December 16, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

December 16, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Dunkerton Community School

December 16, 2024

Board Meeting 6:00 p.m.

High School Library



Directors: Present: President Kirby Marquart, Kim Fettkether

Online: Elizabeth Downs

Absent: Chad Wolfensperger, Dan Knebel

Administration: Present: Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal Patty Foster, Secondary Principal Hannah Corbin.

Absent: None

Board Secretary: Present Lyle McIntosh

Guest: None


Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart. 

Roll Call.


Appoint Board secretary: Lyle McIntosh. Moved by Fettkether 2nd by Downs All Ayes

Appoint Board treasurer: Lyle McIntosh. Moved by Fettkether 2nd by Downs All Ayes

Appoint Legal Counsel for the District and Board Of directors: Ahlers and Cooney. Moved by Downs 2nd by Fettkether All Ayes

Appoint Official depositories: Farmers State Bank max deposit $8,000,000. Moved by Downs 2nd by Fettkether All Ayes

Designate Official Publication: Waterloo/Cedar Falls Courier. Moved By Fettkether 2nd by Downs All Ayes

Set Regular board meeting Schedule: Third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Moved by Fettkether 2nd by Downs


Public Comment: None.

Moved by Downs, 2nd by Fettkether to approve the agenda; all ayes.


New Business:

Moved by Fettkether, 2nd by Downs to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of November, 2024 board Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials, open enrollment and Personnel; all ayes

Community/Program presentations: None

Administrative updates and reports:

Superintendent Kelchen- Had ground breaking with the track committee and board members. New camera install will begin over break. Wanted the board to be aware of a new grant that the school is not going to take part in this year as there hasn’t been good clarity on how to administer in a way that is fair to all parties. 

JH/HS Hannah Corbin- PD last week worked on Portrait of a Graduate, Multi-Tiered system of Supports, and reassessment. Staff pick which area they felt they needed the most help with and went to those break out groups, will revisit next month to allow for collaboration in other groups. Jr. High/High School concert last week was a success. Staff is working to support students with intervention plans for those who are struggling with passing classes as we near the end of the semester. Friday before Christmas break they will have a celebration with various options for students to enjoy the day and enjoy each other and drive a sense of community at the end of the semester. 

Elementary Patty Foster- PD again this month had a full day with the Lexia LETRS trainers. Teachers have been collecting data and implementing strategies they are learning about for the past few months. Excited to see outcomes at mid-year assessments. PK-2nd concert was a success well done music department. Community involvement committee organized Christmas Caroling was a success with rave reviews from the community. Angel tree gifts for families was a success headed up by Mrs. Barbour and supported with fund from RHS. We were able to help several families for the holidays. Sunshine committee has been spreading cheer for the staff over the last month as well. Elementary assembly was last Friday well received and successful. Teachers will Administer FAST assessments and benchmark reading assessments mid-January.


  1. Kirby Marquart will continue roll on Black Hawk County Conference Board

  2. Moved By Fettkether 2nd by Downs to Move Graduation time from 2:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. All Ayes

  3. Moved by Fettkether 2nd by Downs to approve MSA for Dropout Prevention of $53395. All Ayes

  4. Moved by Fettkether 2nd by Downs to approve SBRC application of $8362. Mr. Kelchen explained that this was for students open enrolled out who were not on out count last fall. All Ayes

Raider Pride: All administrators present at the meeting made comment on how well the school concerts were and the joy and excitement in the fine arts department. President Marquart commented on all the positive comments he has gotten on the janitorial crew and our new Janitor Mrs. Gill working hard and being courteous to the community. 


Moved by Downs 2nd By Fettkether to Adjourn At 6:26 p.m. All Ayes



Kirby Marquart, Board President



Lyle McIntosh, Board Secretary

**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.


kkelchen@dunke… Tue, 12/17/2024 - 15:17

November 20, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

November 20, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes



November 20, 2024

Board Meeting

6:00 PM


Directors: Present: Wolfensperger, Knebel, Fettkether, Marquart, Downs

Administration: Present: Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal Patty Foster, Secondary Principal Hannah Corbin

Board Secretary: Present: Lyle McIntosh


Meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by President Marquart

Roll Call

Public Comment: None

New Business:

 Moved by Downs, 2nd By Knebel to approve agenda. All Ayes

Moved by Wolfensperger, 2nd By Fettkether to approve consent agenda consisting of October Board Minutes, personnel, list of bills and financial reports. All Ayes


Community/Program Presentations: none 


Administrative Updates & Reports:

Superintendent Kory Kelchen: Track pre construction meeting was this week, starting on work and will continue depending on weather. Presented a map of potential parking lots as the track develops discussed adding additional parking on the north east corner where the unused diamond is also using that as student parking to make it so students no longer cross the street, will continue to revisit. Updated cameras are going in over break, perimeter safety project fence post are installed and will continue to progress weather permitting.

Elementary Principal Patty foster: Parent/teacher conferences were a big success with 98% of families participating. Thank you to PTO for feeding the teachers. November PD AEA consultant Joe Kramer discussed what will be needed for Personalized Reading Plans outlined in house file 2618. TLC met to discuss the format for reading plans and the letter that will accompany the plans. Will be shared with parents after winter FAST. Lunch with a loved one was a huge success thank you to the Community Involvement Committee and the student ambassadors for organizing and helping. 

Secondary Principal Hannah Corbin: Parent/teacher conferences had great turnout among all teachers, PD last week Mrs. Wolfensperger gave stations a try after Mrs. Rath’s PD highlight last month, had monthly data overview of suspensions, attendance, and more. Mrs. Abels ran a simulation showing the impact of formative assessments on driving real-time instruction. Break out sessions were classroom management with Mrs. Rath and Mrs. Hauptly, Bell-to-Bell teaching with Mrs. Pratt and Mr. Brungard, and Portrait of a Graduate with Mrs. Abels and Mrs. Corbin. Celebrations continued for the student and staff of the month assembly on the 8th. The staff won the student vs staff competition again. Mrs. VanDeWalle and her Ag students will lead the Thanksgiving celebration. Students have had a busy November, 7th-9th grad attended a presentation by Lyndsey Fennelly, Juniors attended the career fair in Jesup, football players attended the state playoff and Mr. Steffen took college visits to NIACC, Wartburg and UNI with students. Fine arts has had a great year highlighted this month by the Swing show and Playing in the veterans day Assembly. Winter sports kicked off the busy winter sports season with Basketball, Bowling and Cheerleading. 


  1. Consider River Hills SBRC request: Approved as presented Moved by Fettkether 2nd by Downs All Ayes

  2. Consider LIED center SBRC request: Approved as Presented Moved by Knebel 2nd by Fettkether All Ayes

  3. Consider Outside Lighting. Part of safety grant low bid Best Powerhouse President Marquart asked if they would light if we are to add parking more lights will need to be added for new parking if added, Moved by Wolfensperger 2nd by Downs All Ayes

  4. Consider Purchase of new SUV: Paid for through Special Ed to be used for Special Ed route, 4 possible examples presented,  President Marquart asked for approval up to $40,000 price value. Moved by Knebel 2nd by Fettkether All Ayes

  5. Consider Purchase of Steel roof/siding for sheds: Approved as presented Moved by Knebel 2nd by Downs All Ayes

  6. Consider Early Retirement Policy-407.4: No changes will be offered for Fy25 school year. Moved By Downs 2nd by Wolfensperger All Ayes

  7. Financial report for FY24: Presented by Mr. Kelchen Finished year in good financial condition

  8. Approve increase in Basketball Officials Pay: Increase from $130 to $140 Moved by Wolfensperger 2nd by Downs All Ayes

  9. Consider Mock Trial Sharing Agreement with Independence: Moved by Knebel 2nd by Wolfensperger All Ayes

Raider Pride: Mr. Kelchen, Director Wolfensperger, and Principal Corbin all wanted to bring attention to how well the Veterans day program was run and the job done by RHS, Band and all involved. Very well attended and received by the community. 


Moved by Wolfensperger 2nd by Downs, All Ayes 6:39 PM

Reminder: December meeting will be moved to Monday December 16th



Kirby Marquart, Board President



Lyle McIntosh, Board Secretary

**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.

kkelchen@dunke… Fri, 11/22/2024 - 10:52

October 16, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

October 16, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes



October 16, 2024

Board Meeting

6:00 PM


Directors: Present: Wolfensperger, Knebel, Fettkether, Marquart

Absent: Downs

Administration: Present: Superintendent Kory Kelchen

Absent: Elementary Principal Patty Foster, Secondary Principal Hannah Corbin

Board Secretary: Present: Lyle McIntosh


Meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by President Marquart

Roll Call

Public Comment: None

New Business:

Moved by Fettkether, 2nd By Wolfensperger to approve agenda. All Ayes

Moved by Knebel, 2nd By Fettkether to approve consent agenda consisting of September Board Minutes, personnel, list of bills and financial reports. All Ayes


Community/Program Presentations: none 


Administrative Updates & Reports:

Superintendent Kory Kelchen: track bid is out and the pre-bid meeting will be Monday 10/21 with bids coming in 10/29 and bid approval meeting on 10/30 @ 6:00 PM with board of directors. Certified enrollment done down 14.9 resident students, after open enrollment down 5.9 students’ total. CAR and school audit are done for the year and have gone well. December board meeting will be December 15th with Mr. Kelchen and Board Secretary McIntosh in Des Moines for training on regular scheduled date.

Elementary Principal Patty foster: report in board packet. Teachers had a successful collaborative PD day at Denver with special speaker Jimmy Casas. PK-3rd grade students visited fire station for fire safety week. First mentoring mtg. at end of September mentors/mentees with observe each other and continue to meet during the school year. Student solutions meant to discuss students of need for academics or behavior. Red ribbon week will be October 21-25. Teachers have completed unit one of the Letrs training.

Secondary Principal Hannah Corbin: Report in board packet. Homecoming week was a huge success with many new traditions, highlighted by student-athletes autographing session with elementary, rock paper scissors contest, and student staff dodge ball tourney. Special thanks to Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Wolfensperger and the student senate. Mrs. McIntosh and the Honor Society students and Mrs. Abels for helping with all these events. PD this month was focused on stations a tool used in elementary and being brought into the secondary as well. Continuing to work with portrait of a graduate. Jr High Fall concert in the coming weeks much anticipated with increased participation 28 students in JR high band. Parent teacher Conferences are coming up in 2 weeks, staff are reaching out to parents to ensure strong turnout.


  1. FYI, Virtual learning/snow days: Will work with staff on how this looks if needed

  2. Consider early Graduation request: Approved as presented. Moved by Wolfensperger 2nd By Fettkether, All Ayes.

  3. Consider Request for Allowable Growth: Approved As presented. Moved By Knebel 2nd By Fettkether, All Ayes.

  4. Second Reading of Board Policy 705.1-Purchasing-Bidding: Approved as Read. Moved By Wolfensperger 2nd by Fettkether, All Ayes.

Raider Pride: Thank You to all Staff and Community for the good start to the year


Moved by Wolfensperger 2nd by Knebel, All Ayes 6:19 PM



Kirby Marquart, Board President



Lyle McIntosh, Board Secretary

**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.

kkelchen@dunke… Fri, 11/15/2024 - 08:49

September 18, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

September 18, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

  Dunkerton Community School 

September 18, 2024

    Board Meeting 6:00 p.m. 

High School Library



Directors: Present: President Kirby Marquart, Dan Knebel, Chad Wolfensperger, Elizabeth Downs,

Online: Kim Fettkether

Administration: Present: Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal Patty Foster, Secondary Principal Hannah Corbin.

Absent: None

Board Secretary: Present Lyle McIntosh

Guest: Online Marci Titera


Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart. 

Roll Call.

Public Comment: None.

Moved by Knebel, 2nd by Wolfensperger to approve the agenda; all ayes.


New Business:

Moved by Wolfensperger, 2nd by Knebel to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of August, 2024 board Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials, open enrollment and Personnel; all ayes

Community/Program presentations: None

Administrative Updates and Reports:

Superintendent Kelchen- Updated the board on the resurfacing of the baseball and softball complexes by Ogden Turf. Maintenance head Mike Timmer was working on fixing the stuck sprinkler heads that were found on the baseball field while doing checks.

JH/HS Hannah Corbin- PD on 8/30 working on implementing competencies into everyday routines, implemented Wednesday word of the day offers challenges to students. Checked in with new staff

Elementary Patty Foster- Off to a fast start working through the start of the year FAST testing and getting into routines. 


  1. Moved by Downs 2nd by Knebel to approve Radio bid to CEC for $4,934 All Ayes

  2. Moved by Downs 2nd by Knevel to approve fence installation bid of Ike’s Fence work low bid of $23,500 All Ayes

  3. Moved by Wolfensperger 2nd by Knebel to approve camera bid to CEC $56,851 All Ayes

  4. Moved by Downs 2nd by Fettkether to approve Snow removal bid to Best’s Powerhouse, only bid submitted. All Ayes

  5. Moved by Knebel 2nd by Wolfensperger to approve Allen Clinical Experience Agreement. All Ayes

  6. 1st reading of Board Policy 705.1. 2nd reading in October

  7. Moved by Knebel 2nd by Downs approve as read 2nd reading of Board policies required annual reviews: policies 103/103.R1, 505.8, 505.8R1,506.1, 506.1E1-506.1E8, 506.1R1, 506.2, and 506.4. All Ayes 

  8. Track preliminary bid update discussion of possible bid outcomes will continue with bid process

Raider Pride: Lots of positive comments in the community about the start of the school year and the work of the staff to get the year rolling.


Moved by Downs 2nd Wolfensperger all Ayes 6:58 pm



Kirby Marquart, Board President



Lyle McIntosh, Board Secretary

**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.


kkelchen@dunke… Tue, 10/01/2024 - 08:08

August 21, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

August 21, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Dunkerton Community School 

August 21, 2024

Board Meeting 6:00 p.m. 

Second floor Rm 213 


Directors: Present: President Kirby Marquart, Dan Knebel, Kim Fettkether,

Absent: Chad Wolfensperger and Elizabeth Downs

Administration: Present: Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal Patty Foster, Secondary Principal Hannah Corbin.

Absent: None

Board Secretary: Present Lyle McIntosh


No guest

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart. 

Roll Call.

Public Comment: None.

Moved by Fettkether, 2nd by Knebel to approve the agenda; all ayes.


New Business:

Moved by Knebel, 2nd by Fettkether to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of July, 2024 board Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials, open enrollment and Personnel; all ayes

Superintendent Kelchen updated on the hiring of Ashley Fairchild Para-Professional, and Garret Ramsey Jr. High Football Coach

Community/Program presentations: None

Administrative updates and reports:

Superintendent Kelchen- Ready for the school year all summer work completed other than the new door on the nurses wall that was installed. Had a track meeting on 8/20/2024 and it went well.

JH/HS Hannah Corbin- Teachers and staff back in the building met with staff and discussed goals for the new year. There was a lot of discussion on intervention with students and celebrating accomplishments. Welcomed new staff.

Elementary Patty Foster- Welcomed new teachers. The TLC team met on 8/19/2024 and are ready for the new year. Letters training kicks off with teachers on 8/22/2024. Back to school night was held and a big success. 


  1. Moved by Fettkether, 2nd by Knebel to approve Head Start Agreement for 24-25, All ayes

  2. Moved by Knebel, 2nd by Fettkether, to purchase school crossing warning lights as long as they are programmable in the way maintenance wants. All ayes

  3. Moved by Fettkether, 2nd by Knebel to wave the first reading and except the 2nd reading of board policies 501.09,501.09-R1, 501.10, 501.10-R1 with relation to legislative changes on chronic absenteeism and truancy with the change to read students will be allowed 3 exempt absences for illness or family emergency before a doctor’s note is required to not count against their truancy percentage. All ayes

  4. Moved by Knebel, 2nd by Fettkether to accept the high bus bid of $2,100 from Cory Best. All Ayes

  5. Moved by Fettkether, 2nd by Knebel to approve the purchase of IXL learning software for 2024/25 school year. All ayes

  6. 1st reading of Board policies required annual reviews: policies 103/103.R1, 505.8, 505.8R1,506.1, 506.1E1-506.1E8, 506.1R1, 506.2, and 506.4 2nd reading and approval in September. 

  7. Moved By Fettkether 2nd by Knebel to approve the 24/25 agreement with Hawkeye Community College. All ayes

Raider Pride

Superintendent Kelchen stated the excitement for everyone to get back to school and have a chance to be together to be able to announce that we were chosen as a Iowa Top Workplace.


Moved by Knebel 2nd Fettkether all Ayes 7:17 pm



Kirby Marquart, Board President



Lyle McIntosh, Board Secretary


**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.


kkelchen@dunke… Thu, 08/22/2024 - 09:07

July 17, 2024 - Board Meeting Minutes

July 17, 2024 - Board Meeting Minutes


  Dunkerton Community School 

July 17, 2024

    Board Meeting 6:00 p.m. 

High School Library-Entrance #3



Directors: President Kirby Marquart, Chad Wolfensperger, Dan Knebel. Elizabeth Downs, Online Kim Fettkether Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Board Secretary Lyle McIntosh

No guest

Meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart. 

Roll Call.

Public Comment: None.

Moved by Downs, 2nd by Wolfensperger to approve the agenda; all ayes.

New Business:

Moved by Knebel, 2nd by Downs to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of June, 2024 board Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials and Personnel; all ayes

Superintendent Kelchen updated the resignation of custodian Howe, Jr. High Track coach Turpen, and hires for Para-educater Adams, Kitchen staff Dietz

Community/Program presentations: None

Administrative updates and reports:

Superintendent Kelchen- PK hallway new flooring, Secondary lounge update and Jr High Bleacher update are all completed. Nurses office wall instillation and parking lot sealing to be done in the coming weeks. Janitors are through most all cleaning will do commons and gym during family week. Discussed the staffing everything filled except custodian interviews are scheduled to fill.


  1. Moved by Downs 2nd by Wolfensperger to update 2024-25 Staff Hand Book as presented. All Ayes

  2. Moved by Fettkether 2nd by Knebel to update 2024-25 Student Hand Book as presented. All Ayes

  3. Moved by Wolfensperger 2nd Downs to approve 2024-25 athletic sharing agreements with Waterloo East bowling and boys’ soccer, Waterloo West girls’ soccer, and Cedar Falls swimming/diving. All ayes

  4. Moved by Downs 2nd Wolfensperger to approve $14 starting wage for Para educators and kitchen staff, starting custodial pay to be $15.50, and increasing current returning Para educators who are making $14/hr. to ensure they are making more than the starting wage for new Para educators. Along with the increase sub pay for Para, custodian and kitchen staff to $11/hr. . All ayes

  5. Crosswalk update no action was taken will do more investigating

  6. Moved by Wolfensperger 2nd by Knebel to approve 24-25 Edgenuity Agreement for $7704.40. All Ayes

  7. Moved by Downs, 2nd By Fettkether to approve the Ag Sharing Agreement with Denver Community School. All Ayes

  8. Moved by Knebel 2nd by Downs to allow up to the amount of $9000 to purchase a 7x14 enclosed trailer for use by the school. 4 current quotes were presented and board member Wolfensperger asked that all possible local dealers be checked with before purchasing. All ayes

  9. Moved by downs 2nd by Fettkether to purchase Camera licenses for security system. All ayes

  10. Moved by Knebel 2nd by Downs to accept the current quote for track project. Superintendent Kelchen explained the change in price his concerns and emergent architectures response to these concerns and ways we will be able to save. Board member Wolfensperger asked for clarity on who was now running the project the school or the booster club. The project will be handled by the school with Mr. Kelchen the point of contact and the booster club is alongside for fund raising purposes. All Ayes


Raider Pride

President Marquart was contacted by visiting parent and read a statement from an umpire on how nice our baseball and softball facilities are. Mr. Kelchen commented on the improvements in both baseball and softball and the thank you received from Summner-Fredricksburg School for allowing them to play their district finals game at Dunkerton and how nice and well prepared the facilities were for them


Moved by Downs 2nd Wolfensperger all Ayes 6:58 pm



Kirby Marquart, Board President



Lyle McIntosh, Board Secretary

**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.

kkelchen@dunke… Fri, 07/19/2024 - 08:35




Click the link below to find school board meeting minutes prior to July 1, 2023.

Archived Minutes


Jen@iowaschool… Thu, 11/30/2023 - 21:49