401.1 - Equal Employment Opportunity (Feb 2025) 401.2 - Employee Conflict of Interest (Feb 2025) 401.3 - Nepotism (Feb 2025) 401.4 - Employee Complaints (Feb 2025) 401.5 - Employee Records (Feb 2025) 401.6 - Transporting Students by Employees (Feb 2025) 401.7 - Employee Travel Compensation (Feb 2025) 401.8 - Recognition for Service of Employees (Feb 2025) 401.9 - Employee Political Activity (Feb 2025) 401.10 - Credit and Procurement Cards (Feb 2025) 401.11 - Employee Orientation (Feb 2025) 401.12 - Employee Use of Cell Phones (Feb 2025) 401.13 - Staff Technology Use/Social Networking PLEASE NOTE NOW POLICY 713 (FEB 2024) Book traversal links for 401 - Employees and Internal Relations ‹ 400 - Role of and Guiding Principles for Employees Up 401.1 - Equal Employment Opportunity (Feb 2025) › Printer-friendly version