2023-09-20 - Regular Meeting

Dunkerton Community School 

September 20, 2023 

    Board Meeting 6:00 p.m. 

High School Library-Entrance #3



Directors: President Kirby Marquart, Chad Wolfensperger, Andy Snyder and Elizabeth Downs. Dan Knebel – Absent.  Superintendent Dan Fox, Principal/Associate Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal, Patty Foster, Secondary Principal Hannah Corbin, Board Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Zahrt.   Virtual Attendee: Jill Wurzer

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart. 

Roll Call.

Public Comment: None.

Motion made by Wolfensperger, second by Snyder to approve the agenda. Motion carried 3-0.

New Business

Motion made by Wolfensperger, second by Downs to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials and Personnel.  Motion carried 3-0.

Community/Program Presentations: None.

 Principal Corbin shared details from her Hero Training with the Secondary Staff during Active Shooter Training. Smart Pass implementation has gone extremely well.  She shared that the staff has created and implemented a Progressive Plan of Discipline with hopes of cutting down on office referrals.

Principal Foster shared that her staff has been digging into curriculum. Fall Assessments are almost finished and Benchmark Assessments. She spoke about Hero Training and Lessons learned.  She indicated the curriculum is age appropriate.

Principal/Associate Superintendent Kelchen informed the Board of upcoming roof repairs covered by insurance. Board Director Marquart shared that he has had several suggestions from citizens that we should consider placing a porta potty on the visitor side of outdoor events.

Motioned by Wolfensperger, seconded by Downs to approve the request for Allowable Growth and Supplemental State Aid for Negative Special Education Balance in the amount of $210,441.02. Motion carried 3-0.

Motioned by Snyder, seconded by Downs to approve an outdoor track allocation of not to exceed $600,000 using Local Option/Physical Plant and Equipment Funds. Motioned carried 3-0.

Motioned by Snyder, seconded by Wolfensperger to approve the increase of ticket taker pay to $30 per event as presented.  Motion carried 3-0.

Motioned by Wolfensperger, seconded by Downs to approve an exception to long term pay to include shared substitute teacher coverage for one position that would not typically qualify due to sequential days covered not followed. Motion carried 3-0.

Motioned by Downs, seconded by Snyder to approve the Wayfinding Graphics/Touch Pro Graphics presented in the amount of $10,518.  Motion carried 3-0. 

Raider Pride: Board Director Marquart encouraged community members to show their support for our students and attend events at the school.

Next Regular Board meeting is Wednesday, October 18, 2023 @ 6:00 p.m. 

Motion made by Wolfensperger, second by Downs to adjourn at 6:57 pm. Motion carried: 3-0.  

Kirby Marquart, President 

Kelly Zahrt, Board Secretary 

* These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.