2024-05-16 - Regular Meeting


 Dunkerton Community School 

May 15, 2024

    Board Meeting 6:00 p.m. 

High School Library-Entrance #3



Directors: President Kirby Marquart, Chad Wolfensperger, Dan Knebel. Elizabeth Downs, Absent Kim Fettkether Superintendent Dan Fox, AD/Associate Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal, Patty Foster, Secondary Principal, Hannah Corbin, Board Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Zahrt Absent.  

Also Present Lyle McIntosh fill in board minutes

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart. 

Roll Call.

Public Comment: None.

Motion made by Knebel, 2nd by Downs to approve the agenda; all ayes.

New Business:

Motion made by Knebel, 2nd by downs to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of April 23, 2024 board Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials and Personnel; all ayes

Superintendent Fox, And Associate Superintendent Kelchen had two personnel updates: Mr. Dan Hensing resignation, Summer school teachers’ total needed contingent on student numbers.

Community/Program presentations: None

Administrative updates and reports:

Associate Superintendent Kelchen discussed the upcoming staff lunch at noon Thursday the 23rd, Graduation prep walk through completed on the 15th, Graduation to be streamed through the NFHS network system in the gym will be free as it is a non-sports event. All board members will be on stage for Graduation except Marquart who will be out of town.

Secondary Principal Corbin discussed the success of ISASP, secondary grades advanced rating increase from 69.9 to 74.8. Lots of celebrations and recognitions are being done among the different grade levels to show appreciation for efforts. Spring concerts and plays were a success, JR dance well attended, lots of fun had, seniors last day on the 15th, Spring sports winding down summer sports up and running, State track sent off Thursday the 16th for the entire school to send athletes off to Des Moines.

Elementary Principal Foster gave recognition to Mrs. Tisue who won the tools for schools grant. KWWL was in this week to recognize her on the news. She will use the grant to help send students home with tools to continue reading through the summer. Thanked PTO for bringing in Tin Cup Coffee bus for the teachers and the staff, Discussed PTO paying for wood chips for the playground, will come in once school is done and Maintenance supervisor Mike Timmer will work with them to get them where needed. 

Superintendent Fox made a facilities update suggesting looking into a sound system for fine arts concerts and plays, current one is in need of an update or to be integrated into the gym system to make it easier for the audience to hear and have better quality sound.


  1. Graduation list for 2024 graduates approved Motioned by Downs 2nd Knebel all Ayes

  2. Sharing agreement with East Buchanan for Superintendent: Motioned by Down Second Knebel all Ayes

  3. Sharing agreement with AEA for work based coordinator: Wolfensperger discussed actual millage rate charged not stated in agreement, was tabled to next meeting until hard numbers can be looked into.

  4. Sharing agreement with City of Dunkerton for SRO: Motioned by Knebel 2nd by Downs all Ayes

  5. Sharing agreement with Wapsie Valley community School for School Counselor: Motioned by Knebel 2nd by Downs all Ayes

  6. Sharing agreement with Denver community schools for TAG teacher: Motioned by Knebel 2nd Downs all Ayes

  7. Software Unlimited accounting software renewal: discussed how long we have used and the newest portion K12 docs. Motioned by Downs 2nd Wolfensperger all Ayes

  8. Approve bid for purchase of new kitchen serving line: Associate superintendent Kelchen discussed the need to upgrade serving line suggested by auditors, low bid Wilson $43,715 for equipment and around an additional $1600 electrical, serving line paid from nutrition fund: Motioned by Downs 2nd by Wolfensperger all Ayes

  9. Approval in change in 24-25 registration fee/admission cost: Associate superintendent Kelchen asked for an additional $20 added to registration fees, approving the $7 admission cost for adults and $6 admission cost for students for the 24-25 school year, and allowing all Dunkerton students to get into all home events for free: Motioned By Downs 2nd Knebel all Ayes

  10. 24-24 Bound packages: Bound is the current service used for ticketing and reporting statistics to the state associations,  Associate Superintendent discussed the 3 options it was decided to stay with current package at a cost of $500 that still allows for cash at the door: Motioned by Downs 2nd Knebel all Ayes, Wolfensperger Absent

  11. Consider next step in track project, approve the payment of the initial $60,000 to finalize plans to be able send out for bids with hope of break ground as soon as after football season: Motioned by Knebel 2nd Downs all Ayes, Wolfensperger Absent

Raider Pride

Principals Foster and Corbin Discussed the Safety day. Highly successful lots of students were involved, whether elementary participating or high school students helping teach.


Motioned by Downs 2nd Knebel all Ayes, Wolfensperger Absent. 6:51 pm



Kirby Marquart, Board President



Kelly Zahrt, Board Secretary

**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.