407.4E5 - Licensed Employee Early Separation Program Application to Participate in Early Separation Program and Contingent Resignation

I hereby submit my formal application to participate in the Dunkerton Community School District's Early Separation Program for Certificated Staff.


As part of my application, I also am submitting a contingent resignation from my contract to the Board which will be effective at the end of my current contract

(June 30th of the current contract year). It is my understanding that my application will only be effective if the Board accepts my resignation. It is also my understanding that my resignation will be void and of no effect if the Board does not accept my resignation.

I agree to provide written notice on or before June 1st of the current school year to the District of my election regarding how my early retirement incentive pay shall be distributed.



Employee Signature                                                   Date


Witness Signature                                                       Date


Accepted by the Board of Directors on ____________________  20____


Superintendent or Board Secretary