403.7E10 - Post-Accident Drug and Alcohol Testing Instructions to Drivers

The following instructions have been reviewed by the drivers subject to the drug and alcohol testing program. These instructions must be kept in the school vehicle for reference in the event of an accident. The driver operating the school vehicle is responsible to carry out the instructions.

1. Take action to maintain the safety and health of the persons being transported in the school vehicle.

2. Report the accident to the following person as soon as practicable following the accident and follow any directions given to the driver.


Mr. Jim Stanton Dunkerton Community School

District 319 822-4295 319 822  7011 (home phone)

Back-up school district contact person: Beth Weepie

(319  939 – 3828 home phone)


3. Determine whether any of the following have occurred, and if so, post-accident drug and alcohol testing must be done.

a. The driver was cited and bodily injury occurred to a person who, as a result of the injury, required immediate medical treatment away from the scene of the accident.

b. The driver was cited and one or more motor vehicles incurred disabling damage as a result of the accident, requiring a vehicle to be transported away from the scene by a tow truck or other vehicle.

c. A fatality, other than the driver, occurred.


            4. Consume no alcohol for eight hours or prior to submitting to a post-accident alcohol test, whichever occurs first, following an accident
                meeting the criteria in "3 


5. Remain available to submit to a post-accident alcohol test within two hours and no later than eight hours after the accident.


6. Remain available to submit to a post-accident drug test as soon as possible after the accident and no later than 32 hours after the accident.


7. Failure to remain available for post-accident drug and alcohol testing is considered a refusal to test and may subject the driver to discipline
               up to and including 


8. Seek appropriate medical attention despite the need to remain available to submit to a post-accident drug and alcohol tests.


9. Using the Transportation Emergency Assistance Program developed by the Iowa Pupil Transportation Association, contact the nearest school district transportation director for assistance.


10. Obtain the name, badge number and telephone number of the law enforcement officer if the  law enforcement officer conducts a post-
            accident drug and/or alcohol test. If possible, obtain copies of any alcohol and drug test results conducted by the law enforcement officer.
            Since these test results are generally unacceptable to meet the school district's requirements for post-accident drug and alcohol testing, the
            driver must remain available for post-accident drug and alcohol testing by a trained collection site person.


11 . Complete the School Bus Accident Report form issued by the Iowa Department of Education as soon as possible.


12. Document failure to submit to a post-accident alcohol test:

                        a. Document why the driver was not alcohol tested within two hours after the accident.

                        b. Document why the driver was not alcohol tested within eight hours after the accident.

                        c. A copy of the documentation must be submitted to the superintendent's secretary upon return to the school district.


13. Document failure to submit to a post-accident drug test:

                        a. Document why the driver was not drug tested within 32 hours after the accident.

                        b. A copy of the documentation must be submitted to the superintendent's secretary upon return to the school district.



Approved: November 1995
Reviewed: January 2017, May 2020
Revised: April 2009