706.3 - Pay Deductions

The district provides leaves of absences to allow employees to be absent from work to attend to important matters outside of the workplace. As public employers, school districts are expected to record and monitor the work that employees perform and to conform to principles of public accountability in their compensation practices.

Consistent with principles of public accountability, it is the policy of the district that, when an employee is absent from work for less than one work day and the employee does not use accrued leave for such absence, the employee’s pay will be reduced or the employee will be placed on leave without pay if:

  • the employee has not sought permission to use paid leave for this partial-day absence,
  • the employee has sought permission to use paid leave for this partial-day absence and permission has been denied,
  • the employee’s accrued paid leave has been exhausted, or,
  • the employee chooses to use leave without pay.

In each case in which an employee is absent from work for part of a work day, a deduction from compensation will be made or the employee will be placed on leave without pay for a period of time which is equal to the employee’s absence from the employee’s regularly scheduled hours of work on that day.



Legal Reference:   29 U.S.C. Sec. 213(a)
29 C.F.R. Part 541

Cross References:   409.2 – Employee Leaves of Absence

Approved: November 1996
Reviewed:  January 2018, July 2021
Revised: January 1999