903.4 - Public Conduct on School Premises

The board expects that students, employees and visitors will treat each other with respect, engage in responsible behavior, exercise self-discipline and model fairness, equity and respect. Individuals violating this policy will be subject to discipline. Students will be disciplined consistent with the student conduct policies. Employees will be disciplined consistent with employee discipline policies and laws. Others will be subject to discipline according to this policy.

Individuals are permitted to attend school sponsored or approved activities or visit school premises only as guests of the school district, and, as a condition, they must comply with the school district's rules and policies. Individuals will not be allowed to interfere with or disrupt the education program or activity. Visitors, like the participants, are expected to display mature, responsible behavior. The failure of individuals to do so is not only disruptive but embarrassing to the students, the school district and the entire community.

To protect the rights of students to participate in the education program or activities without fear of interference or disruption and to permit the school officials, employees and activity sponsors and officials to perform their duties without interference or disruption, the following provisions are in effect:

  • Abusive, verbal or physical conduct of individuals directed at students, school officials, employees, officials and activity sponsors of sponsored or approved activities or at other individuals will not be tolerated.
  • Verbal or physical conduct of individuals that interferes with the performance of students, school officials, employees, officials and activity sponsors of sponsored or approved activities will not be tolerated.
  • The use of vulgar, obscene or demeaning expressions directed at students, school officials, employees, officials and activity sponsors of sponsored or approved activities participating in a sponsored or approved activity or at other individuals will not be tolerated.

If an individual becomes physically or verbally abusive, uses vulgar, obscene or demeaning expression, or in any way interrupts an activity, the individual may be removed from the event by the individual in charge of the event. Law enforcement may be contacted for assistance.

Individuals removed from school premises have the ability to follow the board's chain of command and complaint policies should they choose to do so. The exclusion is in effect should the individual choose to appeal the decision of the superintendent. The term "individual" as used in the policy also includes students and employees.

If an individual has been notified of exclusion and thereafter tries to enter a school building or attends a sponsored or approved activity, the individual will be advised that his/her attendance will result in prosecution. The school district may obtain a court order for permanent exclusion from the school building or from future school sponsored or approved activities.



Legal Reference:  Iowa Code §§ 279.8; .66; 716.7.

Cross Reference:  205 Board Member Liability
                                       504 Student Activities
                                       802.6 Vandalism
                                       903 Public Participation in the School District

Approved: January 1997
Reviewed: February 1999, 
July 2009, March 2012, March 2015, March 2018, January 2022