905.1R3 - Community Use of School District Buildings & Equipment Building Use Rules

  1. Any community group using the school building must have an adult (legal age not a student) in charge who will be responsible for the proper care and use of the building and who will be responsible for taking care of any cleaning, payment of fees and the settlement for any damages.  Supervision of the scheduled activity shall be the responsibility of the group using the facility.  A supervisory person must be designated at the time of application.


  1. Any community group must screen all adults in their program and not allow anyone on Iowa’s Sex Offender Registry (SOR) to enter into the building or work with children when using the district facilities.


  1. The building must be left in the state of cleanliness and orderliness in which it was found.


  1. Any group or person using school facilities may be required to provide proof of sufficient insurance or written verification that the group is covered under the District’s insurance coverage.


  1. The facilities are substance free (policy 403.5 and 905.2).  Any individual or group violating this policy may be barred from future use of the facilities.


  1. School Sponsored Activities shall take top priority, which includes open gyms and fields.


  1. A facilities use form must be completed and submitted for approval to the Superintendent’s office two weeks prior to the event.  Events may not be scheduled more than six weeks in advance.  The Dunkerton Community School District reserves the right to reschedule events in case of an unforeseen school district conflict.


  1. All checks shall be made payable to the Dunkerton Community School District.  Payment in full must be received within 30 days of receiving an invoice from the school district.


  1. If an activity involves use of the kitchen facilities, a school cook may be required and a fee for the employee to be present will be charged.  Exceptions are use of the high school kitchen for a concession stand when food is being served from the kitchen, but not prepared in the kitchen.


  1. If an activity involves use of stage lighting or other technical equipment in the east gym, the group/organization shall be required to pay for an approved stage technician.


  1. Any unscheduled activities or activities violating these regulations will not be allowed.


  1. Activities that are eligible for the gym use are those that normally are  played in a gymnasium such as basketball and volleyball.  Other activities may use the gym provided there is no greater threat of damage to school property. 


  1. Activities such as soccer, baseball and softball may use the gym provided safety and care of school facilities are considered.  When kicking, batting or completing skill activities when participants are not under complete control of the ball, in no way should the ball make contact with the walls, bleachers or other permanent equipment.


  1. The district has the right to request that the coaches turn in rosters with the player's names and league.


  1. Those DCS facilities used primarily for varsity competition must maintain a safe and quality competitive facility.  If the use presents the potential for damage, misuse, or undue wear and/or is not beneficial to the DCS programs, use may be denied in the interest of the district.


  1. Weeknight availability - Between the hours of 6:00-9:00 p.m. in the old gym and 6:30-9:00 p.m. in the new gym.


  1. No gym use on official holidays, when the school day has been cancelled or dismissed early or when there are evening school activities in which non-school activities would interfere with a school sponsored activity.


  1. Saturday availability-Tournaments or games take top priority over practice times.  The gyms may be used on Saturday between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.


  1. Sunday availability-Gyms will be available between 12:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.


  1. Coaches, players, parents, siblings, etc. are restricted to the area of the building in which the activity is taking place. 


  1. The coach in charge is responsible for monitoring traffic in the building and for supervising the gym and children in the program they sponsor.


  1. Any damage done to school property during practice, games, or open gym must be reported immediately to the custodian on duty or the building principal the following school day.


  1. The coach/team/organization scheduled during the time in which the damage occurs will be responsible for reimbursing the school for any necessary repairs or replacement of equipment.  Failure to report damage will result in the coach/team/sponsor’s loss of use privilege until the beginning of the following school year


  1. Each profit group will be limited to the use of facilities twice during an academic school year.


  1. Supervision of the scheduled activity shall be the responsibility of the group using the facility.  A supervisory person must be designated at the time of application.


  1. The District reserves the right to cancel facilities use on days in which inclement weather poses a hazard and facilities are closed.


  1. The District reserves the right to refuse the use of facilities.



Approved:  6/28/17
Reviewed:  9/27/17, 1/6/22
Revised:  12/20/17, 