Dunkerton Community School
December 16, 2024
Board Meeting 6:00 p.m.
High School Library
Directors: Present: President Kirby Marquart, Kim Fettkether
Online: Elizabeth Downs
Absent: Chad Wolfensperger, Dan Knebel
Administration: Present: Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal Patty Foster, Secondary Principal Hannah Corbin.
Absent: None
Board Secretary: Present Lyle McIntosh
Guest: None
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kirby Marquart.
Roll Call.
Appoint Board secretary: Lyle McIntosh. Moved by Fettkether 2nd by Downs All Ayes
Appoint Board treasurer: Lyle McIntosh. Moved by Fettkether 2nd by Downs All Ayes
Appoint Legal Counsel for the District and Board Of directors: Ahlers and Cooney. Moved by Downs 2nd by Fettkether All Ayes
Appoint Official depositories: Farmers State Bank max deposit $8,000,000. Moved by Downs 2nd by Fettkether All Ayes
Designate Official Publication: Waterloo/Cedar Falls Courier. Moved By Fettkether 2nd by Downs All Ayes
Set Regular board meeting Schedule: Third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Moved by Fettkether 2nd by Downs
Public Comment: None.
Moved by Downs, 2nd by Fettkether to approve the agenda; all ayes.
New Business:
Moved by Fettkether, 2nd by Downs to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of November, 2024 board Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials, open enrollment and Personnel; all ayes
Community/Program presentations: None
Administrative updates and reports:
Superintendent Kelchen- Had ground breaking with the track committee and board members. New camera install will begin over break. Wanted the board to be aware of a new grant that the school is not going to take part in this year as there hasn’t been good clarity on how to administer in a way that is fair to all parties.
JH/HS Hannah Corbin- PD last week worked on Portrait of a Graduate, Multi-Tiered system of Supports, and reassessment. Staff pick which area they felt they needed the most help with and went to those break out groups, will revisit next month to allow for collaboration in other groups. Jr. High/High School concert last week was a success. Staff is working to support students with intervention plans for those who are struggling with passing classes as we near the end of the semester. Friday before Christmas break they will have a celebration with various options for students to enjoy the day and enjoy each other and drive a sense of community at the end of the semester.
Elementary Patty Foster- PD again this month had a full day with the Lexia LETRS trainers. Teachers have been collecting data and implementing strategies they are learning about for the past few months. Excited to see outcomes at mid-year assessments. PK-2nd concert was a success well done music department. Community involvement committee organized Christmas Caroling was a success with rave reviews from the community. Angel tree gifts for families was a success headed up by Mrs. Barbour and supported with fund from RHS. We were able to help several families for the holidays. Sunshine committee has been spreading cheer for the staff over the last month as well. Elementary assembly was last Friday well received and successful. Teachers will Administer FAST assessments and benchmark reading assessments mid-January.
Kirby Marquart will continue roll on Black Hawk County Conference Board
Moved By Fettkether 2nd by Downs to Move Graduation time from 2:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. All Ayes
Moved by Fettkether 2nd by Downs to approve MSA for Dropout Prevention of $53395. All Ayes
Moved by Fettkether 2nd by Downs to approve SBRC application of $8362. Mr. Kelchen explained that this was for students open enrolled out who were not on out count last fall. All Ayes
Raider Pride: All administrators present at the meeting made comment on how well the school concerts were and the joy and excitement in the fine arts department. President Marquart commented on all the positive comments he has gotten on the janitorial crew and our new Janitor Mrs. Gill working hard and being courteous to the community.
Moved by Downs 2nd By Fettkether to Adjourn At 6:26 p.m. All Ayes
Kirby Marquart, Board President
Lyle McIntosh, Board Secretary
**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.