February 19, 2025 Board Meeting Minutes

Dunkerton Community School

February 19, 2025

Board Meeting 5:30 p.m.

High School Library



Directors: Present: President Kirby Marquart, Kim Fettkether, Dan Knebel, Chad Wolfensperger

Online: Elizabeth downs

Administration: Present: Superintendent Kory Kelchen, Elementary Principal Patty Foster, Secondary Principal Hannah Corbin.

Absent: None

Board Secretary: Present Lyle McIntosh


In Person: Jill Wurzer

Online: Sara McIntosh, Natalie Crawford, Steph Abels


Meeting Called to Order At 5:30 p.m.


Public Comment: None.

Moved by Fettkether, 2nd by Downs to approve the agenda; all ayes.


New Business:

Moved by Knebel, 2nd by Downs to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of January, 2025 board Minutes, Bill Listing, Financials, open enrollment and Personnel changes: all ayes

Community/Program presentations: None

Administrative updates and reports:

Superintendent Kelchen- track project is starting to bill out for work done before weather change, supplies are still showing up for work to continue when weather changes. Spent 2 days working on budget in Ankeny. Showed numbers and different options that the board can use going forward to keep rate steady and not have hikes in tax rate.

JH/HS Hannah Corbin- For February PD, staff spent most of the morning working through behavior scenarios using CPI strategies. While it wasn’t an official CPI training, We focused on a lot of their de-escalation techniques and the challenges we face in the classroom. We talked about how easy it is to match a student’s escalating energy, how important it is to stay neutral and not take things personally. And how we can move forward after handling tough situations. Staff had a lot of input, sharing what they’ve tried and what has worked and what has not. Mr. Steffen led much of this discussion and allowed to see his expertise in this area and the critical role he plays in supporting both student and teacher. Mrs. Corbin and Mr. Steffen have begun building the 2025-26 master schedule once finalized students will be pulled and schedules updated in their XELLO profile. Middle school is working through XELLO lessons in homeroom. Mrs. Abels and Mrs. Corbin will be pulling students to have one on one conversations about individual ISASP scores. This has worked well in the past helping students understand where they have progress and where they can grow. Last year’s scores will be sent home to parents as well to allow for conversation before testing in April. FCCLA had their FCCLA week lots of curve balls with the weather but very successful and enjoyable.

.Elementary Patty Foster- All teachers have completed their winter assessments. Staff meant to discuss the interventions and personalized reading plans. Per House File 2618 any student who scores below benchmark on FAST requires a Personalized Plan. These plans will be linked to the parent letter the goes home this month. Thank you to Mrs. Wurzer for her extra work on this. Teachers have begun their last unit of LETRS. They are implementing what they are learning and our Building Leadership Team is beginning the process of planning for next year. Yearly training for ISASP testing will begin in March during PD. All Special Education and Classroom teachers will discuss the individual student accommodations for our testing window. All 3rd-5th student will take Assessments April 15th-23rd. Make ups will be the following week. We held our celebrating Para’s lunch. Classes wrote notes and thanks them for their help and support of Students and staff. We have great Para’s and this is a small way to say thank you, our Literacy Night on march 20th from 5-7 will be hosted by the Community Involvement Committee and feature author Charlotte Gunnufson. She will be in the classrooms that afternoon then families will be able to come eat and explore the different grade levels literacy activities that evening.


  1. Parking lot discussion: Discussion on whether to move forward or not. President Marquart voiced concern over having track project not completed if the district hits overages with completion of that project. All directors voiced the realization that there may be a price hike if project is moved out into the coming school years. Mr. Kelchen will look into a few more things, See if we can get architecture fees reduced and board will revisit next month.
  2. Consider Purchase of Carpet for Old Elementary Areas: Moved by Fettkether 2nd by Wolfensperger to except low bid of $16,817 from Riley’s Floors. All Ayes
  3. Consider purchase of new Washer: Moved by Wolfensperger 2nd by Knebel to accept low bid of $6847.50 from Century Landry Distributing. All Ayes
  4. Consider Gym Floor Refinishing: Moved by Knebel 2nd by Fettkether to accept low bid of $5532 from Cap San. All Ayes
  5. Consider Surplus Levy Resolution: Moved by Wolfensperger 2nd by Fettkether to accept as presented. All Ayes
  6. Consider Hawkere CC Field Experience Contract: Moved by Fettkether 2nd by Wolfensperger. All Ayes
  7. Calendar Discussion: preliminary 4 day hybrid calendar was presented. Survey results were shared, 199 parents replied and results favor going to a 4 day schedule as 74.6% strongly agree, agree, or were neutral. 25.4% strongly disagree or disagree. Director Fettkether shared her concern with day care for younger students and multi job families. Mr. Kelchen will share the proposed Calendar for families to see along with a FAQ sheet to answer questions and concerns from the survey. Decision will be then made.
  8. 2nd reading of board polices 401, 402, 403,and 404: moved by Knebel 2nd by Fettkether to accept as presented: All ayes
  9. Consider Red Carpet High school Golf Agreement: moved by Wolfensperger 2nd by Downs. All ayes

Raider Pride: President Marquart wanted to thank the district’s Maintenance and janitorial staff on the up keep and cleanliness of the facilities through the busy months of basketball.  Shot out to both basketball teams as they are both in the midst of a deep post season run. Thank you to Mrs. Corbin and Rathe for their years of service to the school district.


Moved by Wolfensperger 2nd By Knebel to Adjourn At 6:45 p.m. All Ayes


Kirby Marquart, Board President



Lyle McIntosh, Board Secretary

**These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next board meeting.